2. "Was it worth it?"

10 2 2

Alec woke up just in time to get to school but miss breakfest, with other words. He was late, again. He rushed to his closet and pulled on a grey sweatshirt with the same pair of jeans as yesterday. He walked downstairs and packed down a lunchbox and his computer in his brown leather bag and before he left he looked at the schedule sitting on the fridge. "Math... English... Spanish... Lunch..." He mumbled. "Lab! Nice, I wonder who my partner will be." He walked to the door and before he left he called "Bye mom!" he heard a mumble as answer from upstair. Alec smiled and walked down to the bus station.

* * *

After english he went to his locker to pick up the spanish book and saw Myles talking to someone, but he couldnt see who it was since they had their back against him. Myles looked up and caught Alec looking, a smile spread across his face Alec could see his blue eyes sparkling under his dark brown hair. Alec quickly looked away trying to hide himself blushing. He opened his locker and put his math and english books in and took out his spanish book and papers. He closed it and locked it and turned around, again almost bumping into Myles. "Are you jealous?" Myles asked and smiled that cute smile. "For what? And on who?" Alec asked clearly confused. "On Toby." Myles continued to smile leaning on the lockers. "What? No. Why would I be that?" Alec looked at the clock on the wall. "Hey man, I really gotta go to my lesson. We can talk at lunch, okey?" Alec started getting stressed as the bell had rung just a couple minutes ago but he had been caught up talking to Carl so he had to hurry to his locker. "Sure, meet me behind school then." Myles answerd and winked then left him standing confused. 'Did he just wink at me? No, no why would he do that? Guess I am just tired.' Alec hurried to his lesson and got just in time before he was late. 

* * *

After spanish Alec walked to the cafeteria but stopped halway. 'Should I meet up with Myles? What if it just a trick.' he thought. 'Well, he really wanted to talk to me so... yeah, yeah I better go talk to him.' He turned around starting to walk to the door and walked around the school seeing Myles sitting on the ground with his back to the wall looking in a book. "Hey! You came, I was starting to think you weren't gonna come." Myles smiled seeing his face holding his bag tightly around the shoulder. "Sorry, I guess we have different time for lunch." Alec sat down next to him on the dirty ground. "Did you want something special?" Alec looked at him with a serious look on his face. "No not really, except... something very special." Myles handed him the book. Alec dragged his hand over the leather around the book who was wrapped around the book and sewn there with golden thread and on the front it stood with some kind of golden color: "The Alchemists" Myles smile had gone away and he seriously looked at Alec and asked. "Do you know who thoose are?" Alec looked shocked on the book not wanting to ever loose it. "Uhmm... no." He lied and handed Myles back the book without letting it go out of sight. "Why do you want to know?" Finally Alec looked up on Myles. "Just found this book outside your locker, wanted to make sure it wasnt yours before I left it in the reception." Myles slowly opend the book showing the text written in ink all over the pages and sketches of what looked like medevial armour and potions. "Well, I can leave it for you." Alec hurried to say as Myles stood up closing the book. "No, no its fine." Myles nodded to him and left Alec sitting on the ground in shock and before he knew it Myles had turned around the corner and left him there on the dirty ground. Alec sat there for awhile trying to get his thoughts clear. Something was not right, if Myles had given him the book he knew he wouldnt have left it in the reception. But would Myles really leave it there either? Or was he geniunely looking for the owner of the book? He heard a bell ring somewhere in the distance reminding him that he still had to go to the lesson. 

* * *

He walked into the lab room looking for Carl but saw him standing on the other half of the room talking to his other friends. Alec forced up a smile and looked for an empty seat and saw that the only one was next to Myles. He quickly sat down before the teacher got mad at him for taking so long. The teacher started talking and but Alec lost his concentration when Myles took out the book from his book and started looking through the pages and Alec immediately got lost in the wonderful sketches of potions and their names. Suddenly he got awakend from his thoughts when Myles quickly closed the book and looked up hearing a loud "Myles! Alec! Are you two even listening?!" The teacher stared down at them angrily. "Oh sorry Miss Jonathan. I got lost in this book about medevial potions." Myles said having a nervous tone in his normally kind and mystic voice. "Oh really now? Let me see." She grabbed after the book but Myles stood up holding the leather book close to him. "No." he said staring deeply into her cold eyes. "Why not?" She looked slightly shocked that he didnt let her. "Because- Because I dont want you too." Myles looked down on Alec trying to fet some help and Alect looked back up at him not knowing what to do. "Either you give me the book or go to the principals office." She started having a more harsh tone in her voice. "Fine." Myles started packing up and left the classroom. The teacher turned around seeming to have forgotten that she was mad at Alec too or just not caring anymore. 

* * *

The day ended way too slow and Myles didnt show up for the next lesson and not the one after that but he did show up for the last ten minutes for the last one. After school myles was walking to his bicycle as Alec walked up to him and stopped him by grabbing his am. "Was it worth it?" Alec asked holding his arm in a tight grip. Myles turned around and looked him in his eyes. Alec got suprised because his eyes looked much more ice cold than before. "Asking if it was worth it is a mistake many make, because it means you regret what you did and that you should never do. Because no matter what you did or why you did it is always worth it. Because if you regret something its like losing a game. Dont do that. Regret nothing because your choices formed you. Dont lose that, dont lose yourself." Myles made a nodding gesture took his arm from Alec and hopped on the bike. "Cya tomorrow!" He called out before riding away. "Bye..." Alec said but Myles didn't hear as he was too far gone by that time.

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