1. Are They Real?

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Alec wakes up with a headache. He looks around and seeing the clock reading the time. "9:31..." he mumbled thinking about what day it could be. "SHIT ITS MONDAY!" He flies out of bed quickly putting on a pair of jeans and the pink hoodie he got for christmas. He runs down stairs grabbing his bag and quickly unplugging his computer after charging it during the night and choves it down in the bag. "Bye mom!" He yells and hurries to the bus. 

* * *

Alec sits down at a table in the lunch hall and opend his bag realising he forgot to bring lunch from home. He takes out his wallet and looks down at some dust and single dime. He sighs draging his hand through his hair. "Whats wrong Alec?" he heard a voice and looks up seeing Carl smiling down to him. "Just forgot my lunch at home and I don't have any money to buy some here." Alec answerd. "Oh, well I only have 7,51 dollars left. Maybe you can find some good things in the cafeteria for that." Carl smiled again and handed him the money. "Thanks man." Alec grabbed the money and saw Carl walk down to a table further down straight away startd to talk to his other friends. He walked up to the lunch menu and saw that he could get a cup of coffee and a energy bar. He paid and turned around seeing all the tables being filled. He sighed and walked out of the cafeteria and walked to the library sipping his coffee. He sat down at a table and opened his computer checking his mail. He opened one and read the headline 'Have you heard of "The Alchemists"? If so please tell us on this forum' he stopped with the coffee cup touching his lips. '"The Alchemists"??? I havent heard about them for years.' He put down his coffee and slowly moved the mouse to the link and clicked it. Loads of questions popped up infront of him and he felt so confused. 'No, no this must be a prank' He laughed to himself 'hah, like they would be real, it was just one of grandpas fairy tales.' He closed his laptop and took a last sip out of his coffee and packed his computer down next to his energy bar and walked to his locker. When he had taken his books for the next lesson out of the locker he closed it and locked it up turning around and almost bumped in to a guy who leaned on the locker next to his smiling. "Uhm, excuse me?" Alec looked confused on the guy. "Hello, I am Myles. Nice to meet you. Whats your name?" The boy smirked and his blue eyes shined under his dark brown hair. "Uhmm... Hello, I am Alec. But-" he got cut off by the bell. Myles kept smiling at him. "Well, I should go to class..." Alec started walking to the math room and looked back and saw Myles still leaning on the locker smiling and staring after him. 'That was weird... Oh well' He tought.

* * *

Alec opend the front door to his house hearing his mom yell from the kitchen. "Hey Alec! How was school today?" "It was fine just forgot my lunch." he answerd taking his shoes off and hanging his bag on a hook. "Oh, did you get atleast something to eat?" "Yeah, Carl lended me some money." "What a sweet boy, dont you think?" "Yeah..." "Is something wrong sweetie?" Alec stopped in the kitchen looking down at his socks remembering Myles and the e-mail. "No, no nothing is wrong mom." He looked up and smiled. "When will dinner be ready?" He asked trying to change the subject. "In an hour or two. You can go and take a shower." She smiled back. "Okey." He walked out of the room.

* * *

He walked out of the shower wrapping a towel around his waist. He couldn't stop thinking about that e-mail, and that boy who just stared at him. 'Maybe he was new or something and just wanted to make friends, what a weird way to make friends though.' He laughed to himself and looked in the mirror. 'Tomorrow will be better, yeah. Tomorrow will be better.' he smiled to himself.

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