3. The Dream

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Alec started walking to the bus stop but being stopped by Carl. "Hey, what happend in class?" Carl panted. "Oh, I just wasn't paying attention thats all." Alec tried to hide the fact that he was fascinated by the book's drawings. "Yeah but with Myles, why didnt he want to give the book to miss Iron?" Carl had a wondering look in his eyes, the way he only looked when he knew something was up but didn't say anything. "Oh I don't know, maybe he got it from a dead family member and dont want anyone else to have it." Alec said shrugging his shoulders. "Well I gotta get home, I am really hungry." Alec tried to leave again but Carl took a tight grip around his shoulder. "You know something, don't you? Ive seen you talking to him." Carl looked serious in his eyes. Alec found it amusing that he had too look up on him to see him in the eyes but tried staying serious for now. He didn't want to be rude or keep secrets from Carl after everything he had done for him. "No- why would I know anything? And if I knew I would tell you. Don't you trust me Carl? We've been friends since middle school." Alec knew he sucked at lying but he had to do something. He looked down at his phone checking the time. "Listen man I gotta go if I am gonna catch my bus, trust me I know nothing." Alec hurried away before Carl had time to stop him. He didn't know much but Alec knew inaf for people to get suspicious about the book, himself and Myles. 

* * *

When Alec came home he took out his lunchbox realising he didn't eat any lunch and heated it up in the microwave. He then took the food to his room and sat down with his computer and started working on his homework. 'Gosh, homework the second day of school, crazy.' he thought as he kept writing on it. At 6 pm he was done after writing the essay. He heard a pling and looked at his phone. "I'll be home at 11 so don't stay up and wait [Heart emoji]' He sighed laying his head on the table and hearing another pling from his phone. He looked at the phone seeing a new post from the schools instagram account. It was an account that was made by some students a couple years before but had been passed down since they had graduated. 'Who is comming to the halloween party in three weeks! Planning with the boys right now!' Alec read and saw a picture on a guy he had seen before posing with his tounge out next to some other guys drinking bear. 'invitations link will be posted in a week!' was the last thing standing on the post. He scrolled down to the comments seeing Carl tag some people saying "Are u guys coming because I def am!" He read the tags... "Niko... Gordon... Marcel... Malcolm... he didn't tag me... Thats weird he always used to tag me in theese kind of posts." He got up and started taking off his clothes and got into his bed. "But, I guess we have slid apart since highschool... he has his new friends and well I- I guess I have Myles." He sat on the edge of his bed looking out the window. "I wonder if he ever missed me..." Alec sighed and laid down and quickly fell asleep, tired of all the things that had been going on.

* * * In The Dream * * *

Everything got light, it was blinding him. But then he saw Carl. He was laughing throwing snowballs at someone. It was from when they were younger. When Carls parents was in the hospital so Alec's mom and dad decided to take them both to a trip to the mountains. He wanted to join the snowball fight but- but he couldn't. Something held him back. Something was holding on tight to him. He turned around and to his surprise seeing his dads face... "Dad? Dad!" Alec jumped in his arms and hugged him tight. "Where have you been?" Alec leaned his head on his dads shoulder  crying. "Something came up, I was needed somewhere else... I am sorry Alec..." his dad put him down back on the ground. "Alec, I have to go." his dad looked him deep in his brown eyes with a serious but sad look. "No. Please don't leave. Please dont leave me again... I need you. Mom needs you! Please dad!" Alec tried holding on to him but his dad slowly faded away and his last words he said was "I am sorry son, but remember this: Trust the one with the black eye, drink the sun, drink the sky and eat the fire. For only you can stop the darkness..." Then things started getting darker, the light that blinded him before now slowly became grey and then... black. Nothing was there. It was just black. He started falling, he screamed, he wanted it to stop. He didn't know for how long he fell, but it felt like an eternity. But then he landed on something. He wanted to scream of pain feeling like his bones broke a thousands times over. He wanted to scream and yell for help but he knew, that even if he got the words out noone would hear him. Because noone was there for him. Alec looked around him and slowly started crawling hitting against a wall. He stood up and started following the wall. It went around in a circle. Atleast that was what he thought. Light hit his bare body and he looked up. What he thought was a couple kilometers up he saw a light. It was a flashlight, and someone was holding it. The light flickered and it turned dark again. "Hello??" Alec yelled. "Anybody there? Please don't leave me! NO!" He felt a push from the back and fell forward hitting his chin on the hard and cold ground. He winced in pain crawling into a ball on the ground quietly crying. He did so for about an hour, just laying there not knowing what to do. It felt like hell, just being there with his own thoughts. 

After about another hour or so he heard something cracking, he looked up and saw a huge dog slowly  walking up to him growling. Then he looked down and saw that the floor couldn't hold up his plus the dogs weight. He knew that wherever that dog came from, he better go back. The floor started getting more and more cracked with light sipping in as the hound walked closer and closer. Its drool dropped on the ground until it was just about one feet away from him it jumped up on him its claws ripping up his skin and he took a bite from his shoulder. Alec screamed trying to get away but something pulled him closer to the middle of the circle like room. And suddenly the floor broke, but the dog stayed up on the floor as Alec fell into a pool of white and blinding liquid. But yet it was transparent inaf for him to see the outside world. People was walking on the street talking, ignoring him banging on what seemed like a window. Was he ever gonna get out of here?  He realised he couldnt breath and turned around looking for a place to get out of here. Nothing was there. Alec looked up from where he came from and started swimming up as quick as possible. But it felt like it was hours away. He neededd breath but where would he get it?  Alec tried breathing to see if it worked but instead he just started taking in more water and coughing it up making him take in more water and swallowing it. 

Everything slowly started blackening as he sank to the bottom of the spiral pool. 

* * *

Alec flew up into a sitting position, sweating and looking around. He looked at the clock. "3:41.." He sighed and dragged his hand in his wet hair. Alec got himself out of bed with slightly shaking legs and went to the bathroom to take a shower. 'Just a dream... it was just a dream...' He told himself while letting the water run down his muscular shoulders.

He tried going back to sleep but couldn't and decided that it was better to look at youtube for the rest of the night.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2021 ⏰

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