(14)Dabi x Reader

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Universe: Boku no hero academia


[F/H/N]- Father's hero name
[S/N]- sister's name
[Y/N]- your name
[Y/S]- your surname
[A/N]- abbreviation of the name
[H/C]- hair color
[E/C]- eye color

[Y/N] is a medical student. She is 22 years old. [H/C] hair has only the mother and younger sister.
Her father was a professional hero.
(⊙_⊙) (@ _ @) ┐ ( ̄ ヘ  ̄) ┌ ヽ (ˇ ヘ ˇ) ノ

A woman of medium height wandered the corridors of the university. Being already at the exit gate, she noticed the younger sister. "Well, he has a school nearby," she thought with a slight smile.
- [A/N]!
- Hello, young.- She greeted her sister, lightly tugging the 9-year-old's hair.
- Let's go home! Mom is waiting for dinner.
- Good.- They walked quietly home in the meantime talking. Since the death of their father, most of the 22-year-old has to support her family. They entered the house and were immediately greeted by a middle-aged woman.
- How's school today?
- Was great!
- [Y/N]?
- Ehhh ... At 5 p.m. I have an internship with a surgeon ...
- Night time again?
- No, I should be back at 11:30pm...
- As if it got longer ...
- Yes, I'll write.- She smiled and sat down to the table.

End of internship - 22:55

Pov. Reader

- Remember, [Y/S], you have a night in a week.
- Okay, I'll report it to the dean right away. Goodbye. - I said and left the hospital. I walked calmly back home. All in all, I'm going to 10:00am tomorrow. At one point, I was pulled into a dark alley ...
- Don't even dare to squeal ... And, now you will politely write to your family that you have prolonged your work. - I was paralyzed with fear. However, I listened to a villain whose face I didn't even see. I took out my phone and wrote to my mom that I had a night after all.
- Please let me go.
- Ehhh .. You won't go for goodness.
- Hm ?!- I squealed into the man's hand. Moments later, I felt the material against my face. That smell ... Chloroform ... I fell asleep.


The villain took the student in his arms and set off in a direction known only to him. He cautiously entered an abandoned block on the outskirts of the city. He sat her down on the chair he found and tied her hands behind her back, tying her to that chair. In turn, he tied the legs to the legs of the chair. He tied a rag over her eyes and gagged her in the same way. He took her phone and unlocked it. "Is she so stupid or naive that she doesn't have a password?" he thought and looked at the wallpaper that depicted her and her family during her father's lifetime. He entered the contacts and looked through them, then started browsing the gallery. "Bingo" he thought, looking at the photos from about a month ago, where there was a student with her mother and sister.
After a few minutes, he heard a chair clatter. He got up and walked calmly to the source of the sound. He removed the rag from her eyes and took the other chair, sitting on it.
- Finally. How long can I wait until you wake up?
- Where am I?!
- Somewhere where no one will even look for you, daughter [F/H/N] ... But it doesn't matter.
-Get it off my face!- She screamed. There was a mixture of fear and anger in her eyes.
-All right.- he walked over to her and took off the gag.
- Who the hell are you ?!
- Hmmm ... I guess you'll figure it out.
- What are you talking about?
- Ehhh ... I burned your daddy, baby.- He smiled mischievously.
-D-dabi ... - her pupils narrowed with fear. "If he killed my father ... What will he do with me ?!" she thought terrified.
- Bravo, no wonder you're in medicine. After all, I guess they don't accept idiots there.- he said calmly, which was even more terrifying [Y/S].
-W-why did you bring me here?
-Don't be afraid, I won't kill you ... I want something else.- He looked into her eyes. The girl couldn't read his intentions, but she knew that they couldn't be good.
- So ... What do you want from me?
-Hmm ... Let's think ... What can I want, bringing a girl on the crap.- He looked at her with a mixture of pity and amusement. [Y/N] swallowed nervously.
- No! I do not agree! -She shouted, understanding what the blue-eyed was about.
- Heh ... I don't think you understand. You don't have a choice...
- How is that ?!
- I mean ... Either my goal, or this little girl will have a pretty hot accident, if you understand what I mean. -he said calmly, walking up to her and leaning his hand on her shoulder, simultaneously showing a photo of her little sister.
- No! But not [S/N]! - she started to struggle, and the black-haired girl burned it.
- Calm down. I won't do anything to her ... Yet.
- Please ... Leave my family ... You robbed me of my father! Leave my family alone!- Tears were gathering in her eyes. "What do I do? If I don't go to bed with him, he'll kill my sister ... But ... I don't want this ... What should I do?" she thought, looking at the floor under her feet.
- Ehhh ... How many yells can you? Calm down.-He almost hissed at her.
- But ...
- You now have 10 minutes to decide. If you don't, you will say goodbye to your mother, sister, and finally to your life.- he said in a monotone voice and went to the unknown student of the faculty. The 22-year-old lowered her head and began to wonder ... On the one hand, if she objected, he would kill her sister ... On the other hand, if she agreed, it would tire her for the rest of her life ... her family...
After a while, Dabi returned to the room. He looked at the thoughtful owner of [H/C] hair. A single tear ran down her cheek. - Are you still alive?
- H-hm?
- Have you decided?
-Y-yes ...- she said, her head bowed.
- And? What decision?
- Leave them ... Leave us alone ...
- Should I take it as no decision or consent?-He asked, resting his hands on her shoulders. He looked into her [E/C] eyes and waited for a response from her. He saw that she was afraid that it was difficult for her to make any decisions.
-I...I agree... If you leave me and my family alone.- Single tears ran down her face ... She was afraid. Both the situation she is in and the villain himself.
- Hmm ... So I understand that you agree to everything, as long as I leave your family later?
- Y-yes ... Please ... I want to go home ...
- As far as I know, your night will last until 07:00, so you will be at home at 07:30.
- I...
- I advise you not to resist ...- he whispered in her ear causing unpleasant chills. He knew she was too scared to even try to escape. He slowly knelt down and began to untie her legs while his hand ran over her thigh. The student wanted to kick Dabi and run away, but she knew it was in vain. Rising from his knees, the man glided his hands over the shapes of the young woman. When he saw that she closed her eyes, not wanting to see what was happening, he started kissing her. He immediately deepened the kiss, sticking his tongue into her mouth. [Y/S] couldn't break down to do the activity, she just sat there and waited for the end. During the kiss, the black-haired man untied [H/C] hair's hands. He felt how tense she was, he knew it was due to fear and aversion to what was to come. However, he isn't there to care for someone else's feelings. He picked it up and transferred it to some old couch. He slowly got rid of her T-shirt, which she tried to cover with her hands, but in vain, because the blue-eyed man expected this movement from her. He grabbed her wrists and hovered over her.'- You really think if you cover yourself up, it will give you something?
-N-no ...- she whispered and closed her eyes. She knew what would happen. She didn't want this, but felt that it was better to agree and her family would be safe in return.
- Then don't hide, because it won't help you-he muttered and got rid of her pants. [Y/S] squeezed her eyes tighter. She felt tears welling up in her [E/C] eyes.
- P-please ... I-I ...
- I told you be quiet.- he growled, and looked at her in a way that caused her even more fear.
- M-mhm ...- She wasn't holding back her tears, but there was nothing she could do if she wanted to protect the family.
- Good girl.- He smiled in a mischievous manner and once again pressed their lips together in a deep and long kiss, during which he got rid of his pants and T-shirt. He looked at her figure. - If you don't want it to hurt, I advise you to relax.- He growled, feeling under his fingers (located on the waist and shoulder) how tense her muscles are.
- I-try-I'll ...- she whispered, her voice breaking.
- It won't hurt me.- he said as if he was repeating it one time. Without any prejudices, he got rid of the rest of his clothes, both his and [E/C] eye's student. Tears of fear, disgust, and sheer sadness ran down the pink cheeks. Dabi began to place wet kisses around his neck [Y/N]. Indeed, he was tempted to leave a trail of red marks there, but he didn't smile too much for anyone to guess, and thus report to the police. He slowly came down with kisses on the 22-year-old's cleavage.
- I want to go home...- she whispered under her breath, sobbing. The villain ignored her words and continued to kiss her as she descended to her belly. He felt her tense even more. He folded her legs over his hips and looked at her face.
- Now I'm going to count to three, if you don't relax, it'll probably hurt. Sure?- he said straight to [H/C] hair's ear.
-Y-yes.- she whispered, tired of crying.
-1 ...- he looked at her face. -2 ...-he whispered to her. -3.- he entered her in one smooth movement, at which [Y/S] stifled a scream. The black-haired man didn't even wait, he immediately began to move at the pace most suited to his preferences.
-H-hurts ...- she groaned, feeling Dabi move his hips. It might not be her first time, but still ... She didn't want to.
- Fuck ... It's not my fault you're so tight.- he growled, joining their lips. The student never kissed me back, let alone quiver with pleasure. True, she was shaking with fear.
She felt like the 27-year-old was pressing harder against her with every moment. She bit her lip, not wanting to moan in pain. It was really just waiting for the end. She wanted to go back to her family. All the time blue-eyed kissed [Y/N]'s neck and collarbones. After a few minutes, she felt him push even harder, causing tears of pain to run down her face. After another dozen or so minutes, she felt a spreading warmth that would probably be pleasant if she wanted to. The villain stepped out of her and started getting dressed, then threw her clothes off. The student dressed as soon as she could.
- Will you leave our family now?
- Yes, I will. Ehhh ... More than 5 hours before you get home.
- How's that?
- I told you that you will be at 07:30. - he replied and left the room, after a while returning with two cups. - Drink it.
- No.
- It wasn't a question. You have to drink it.
- I see. - She felt that something was wrong, but she had no choice, the Villain still has her phone. She drank it all in one gulp and passed out after a few minutes.
When the time was right, Dabi put the phone in her pants pocket and headed towards the street where the student lived. As he felt the girl begin to squirm, he set her down and held her against the wall.
- Well, I thought you wouldn't wake up.
- Where ...?
- You've got 10 minutes to go home. One more thing, you are not to tell anyone what happened.
- Sure.

Yaaaa .... I know. I think I fucked it up.

But I can't help it ...

Any mistakes=tell me

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