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The ringing of the bell echoed at the whole school, signaling that the morning classes were now over. The students happily cheered to themselves as the teachers dismissed their classes.

Sana immediately ran to Y/n's desk, patiently waiting for her to finish organizing her things on her bag. "You can go have your lunch without me, you know." said the h/c haired girl without looking at her friend.

"I know but eating alone is no fun. Come on, Y/n. Don't worry about spending your money, I'll treat you for today. Now, what do you say?" she locked her arms with her, looking at her with her puppy eyes that she knew Y/n can't resist them.

She sighed, "Fine. I'm going with you just because you're paying for my lunch." Sana cheered at her agreement and pulled her out of the room, dragging her to the canteen.

Just like Sana said, she paid for Y/n's lunch and when they started eating, a loud cheer from the people there started lifting up once again. Y/n already knew what's going on so she didn't bother looking at where those noises came from and what's the cause of it.

"Oh my... Why are they so good looking?" she heard Sana said as she sighed, dreamingly. Y/n rolled her eyes at her friend's statement. Pffftttt. Good looking, my ass.

She internally scoffed and without her noticing, a group of boys approached them. "Excuse me, can we have a seat here?" a familiar voiced asked which made Y/n stopped on chewing her food. The female students looked at them with pure jealousy and envy.

Sana gasped but immediately stopped herself from fangirling over them. "Y-yeah, sure! We don't mind." Seoho smiled at her, thanking her. He intentionally sat next to Y/n while his other friends sat at the empty seats left.

"Hello, Y/n!" Seoho happily chimed.

Y/n didn't say a word and continued finishing her lunch. She'd keep her mouth full so she won't be able to answer whenever someone questions or talks to her. Even if she ran out of appetite because of Seoho's presence, she didn't want to waste the money that Sana spent for her lunch.

While they all freely talked to each other with Sana, Seoho was there beside Y/n, resting his chin on his palm as he stared at her with an amused smile on his face. He found it cute the way Y/n's cheeks gets puffy when she eats mouthful of her food.

She could feel his longing stare but she didn't pay attention to it and tried to finish her food as soon as possible so she could to get out of there. She can't even stand being inside the same room as him. She doesn't exactly know why but all she know was that, she just hates him from the very first time she met him.

Finally after a few minutes, she was done and stood up from her seat, catching their attention. "Sana, let's just meet at the classroom later." she said monotonously in a blunt expression that gave an intimidating vibe to Ravn, Leedo, Keonhee Hwanwoong, and Xion except Seoho and Sana.


"See ya." she cut her friend off and walked away with her tray on her hands. They watched her disappeared to the exit after she dumped her tray and Sana sighed.

"I'm sorry about her. She's not usually like that, she was just not in the mood, I guess." They nodded at her.

"It's okay, we understand." Keonhee reassured her. Seoho went silent for a moment then something clicked inside his mind which made him smirk. "Sana, can I ask you a favor?" she looked at him and thought for a second before nodding her head.

"It depends." she shrugged her shoulders. "What was it?"

"It's about Y/n..."


Hello, guys! Let's keep on streaming for Bbusyeo and other songs of ONEUS, ONEWE, MAMAMOO and PURPLE KISS (tho idrk purple kiss) :)

ONEUS and ToMoons, fighting!♡


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