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"Rock, papers, scissors, shoot!" Seoho repeated the same words twice before cheering in victory again while Y/N frowned on her seat.

Half an hour had just passed and he somehow managed to get her to play with him since she too was bored, sitting there. "Hey! That's unfair! Since when was there even a bomb on 'rock, papers and scissors'?!" she complained.

He stopped doing his small victory dance and sat back down. "Since we started the game. You're playing the game with me so technically, there are no rules." he declared, mimicking the voice of one of their teachers.

"What the fuck? You didn't even tell me before we started."

He nods, "Yes, I didn't and it's because you never asked." he smiled slyly and she glared at him. "Now, let's play for the next round!" he placed his fist on a position and waited for her to do the same.

She shook her head, "No. There's no way I'm going to play with you again."

He pouts his lips slightly. "But Y/n—"

"Enough is enough, Lee Seoho." she said, glancing at him. "Now, go away." she shooed him and rested her head on top of her folded arms on her table.

"Oh come on!" he whined. "Just one last game, one last game." he said, sticking his pointing finger out.

She hummed, "Uh huh. Play with yourself. Stop being such an annoying, whinny brat and let me rest in peace." she closed her eyes, pretending to be asleep.

The blonde slumped his shoulders, sighing sadly. It's really not easy to convince her to do something fun with him at all. Good thing he has a lot of patience when it comes to her and she should consider herself lucky because he rejected a lot of girls and stayed loyal to her.

Even if she doesn't like him a tiny bit.

"Okay, no more bombs or whatsoever. Let's play the 'rock, papers and scissors' normally but let's give it a twist." she didn't say a thing or even moved but he knew she's listening so he continued.

"If you win, I'm going to stop bothering you." she opened her eyes, immediately making contact with his chocolate eyes that was already staring at her. "I'm not going to tease you, talk to you unless needed and not even look at you."

She sat down properly, now interested with the game. Her life would be back to normal if there's no blonde squirrel annoying the shit out of her everytime she takes a step on the school and she could finally live peacefully. That's what she wanted anyways, right?

She internally smiled, imagining herself attending her classes without getting her nerves triggered. Y/n faced him, "And... what if I lose?" she asked.

Her own question suddenly haunted her mind. What if he's going to make her as his own personal assistant and make her do everything he wants just like on the K-dramas that she and Sana watched last week? Or what if he's going to punish her to clean the boys' restroom?

Yuck. There's no way she's going to do that. What if people mistook her as a pervert? That would be super embarrassing that she wouldn't want to get out of her room anymore.

Seoho smiled, ever so sweetly that almost made her shake in fear of the consequence that he's going to tell her. He kept his eyes connected to her e/c ones. "You have to like me back as how much I like you."


"What?" a scoffed followed after her question that she almost laughed so loud. Like him? There's no way she's going to do that. I mean, she hates him. She dislikes him. She's not a fond of him at all.

"I was just kidding!" Seoho laughed. "You should've seen your face! You looked like a surprised Shrek— oh, I mean, Princess Fiona." he laughed even more loudly, throwing his head backwards as he held his stomach with both his hands.

"You little piece of shit!" she kicked the leg of his chair and he fell down on his chair again, making him moan in pain instead of laughing like a donkey who's having a difficulty in breathing.

"Ouch! Ah..." he rubbed his butt that hit the floor when he fell down and held on the table as a support to help him get up. "Hey! How could you do that to me?! You're so mean!" he faked cried.

"That's what you get for annoying me. You deserve it anyways."

He fixed his chair and sat down next to her. "Alright, I'm sorry." he sighs. "So if I win the game... you have to love me back as much as I love you."

"I'm not—" before she could finish her sentence, he cut her off.

"I mean it, Y/n."


Cringey, isn't?


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