The Edge of Our Seats

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Todoroki walked away from the arena with a clouded, confused mind. All that ran through his thoughts was the constant questioning of what he did…

Was the fire that his father gave him really his? Was it right for him to break his promise? Did he really deserve to win and make it this far, all while using half of his strength?

The questions flushed through his mind as he walked away from the arena, looking up to see his father, Endeavor, standing in the middle of the hall, all with the smirk of a demon with a bargain to make…

"What's the matter?"

"Not gonna tell me to get lost?"

Endeavor spoke with an almost smug tone to his voice. As though he had been counting the days until Todoroki broke…

"You need to learn to control your left side. It's dangerous to release so much energy like that. But I'm glad you're finally seeing reason. Now that you've abandoned your childish rebellion, we can get back to more important matters."

As the number-2 hero spoke, he extended his hand out with a grin on his face, all while shrouded within hellfire.

"After you graduate, you'll work by my side. I'll lead you down the path of the mighty, Shoto." Endeavor promised, all with a devilish grin…

"I haven't abandoned anything. You're a fool to think my feelings could be so easily reversed. Instead.. in that moment.. I forgot all about you."

Todoroki's response was simple, yet it was enough to make Endeavor's eyes widened a bit. As his grin erased, Todoroki walked past him, unsure if what he did was right…

Meanwhile, Izuku Midoriya laid down in the med bay. Recovery girl was lecturing All Might on how Izuku did in his match…

Even as Izuku's friends tried to enter and support him, Recovery girl had them all leave so she could remove some bone fragments from his arms. All so they wouldn't get stuck in his joints…

After, Recovery girl demanded that All Might would help Izuku learn of a new way to help him handle his quirk… a way that wasn't so self destructive… 

Because Recovery girl refused to help Izuku, just so he could damage himself again.

When the surgery was done, and when Izuku had apologized to All Might, he returned to his class… ashamed, but still determined.


"ALRIGHT EVERYONE! Now we're onto the final match between two elites from the Hero course! We have Shoto Todoroki, vs. Katsuki Bakugou! I KNOW YOU ALL ARE AT THE EDGES OF YOUR SEATS TO SEE HOW THIS GOES DOWN!" Present Mic screamed, having the audience cheer in excitement as the two students walked onto the stage…

Bakugou had a dark, sinister smirk plastered on his face with each hand ready to ignite an explosive attack if needed, while Todoroki had the same expression he always wore, though he had a fierce look in his eye.

Every student watched with a tense feeling as Present Mic announced for the battle to begin.

Right off the bat, Todoroki reached down and sent what was, by far, the largest series of ice pillars he had manifested within the sports festival.

Pillar, upon pillar, Bakugou was immediately buried under the ice that Todoroki had created…

"BAKUGOU HAS BEEN COMPLETELY BURIED UNDER THE ICE! DO WE ALREADY HAVE A WINNER?!" Present Mic shouted into the mic. As the frost settled onto the arena, Class 1-A looked in shock at the demonstration of power.

True-Heroism 2: The Sports FestivalWhere stories live. Discover now