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Bokuto's pov
After getting hard infront of my kohai.... Onaga and the others really.....tease me about it. But hinata just laugh... But it's still embarassing
"Bokuto-san please talk to me or i'm gonna hang up" akaashi said as I snapped out.
"Uh.. Yeah okay akaashi... My owl was up again... Call you later"I said and gulped. Akaashi sighs and hangs up
I opened my gallery seeing my kohai's photo eating a meatbun
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"Lord forgive me for what i'm gonna do" I said as I imagine hinata holding my dick and not meatbun
"WHAT THE FUCKKKKK" I said as my imagination go further than hinata sucking but him getting sexier. I rubbed my dick as I gently pumping it.... I hope I don't get runny nose after this
Hinata's pov
"Achoo!" I sneeze While unpacking my suitcase. Since i'm in tokyo I book a hotel room for me
"Is someone talking about me?" I asked out of the blue
'Knock' 'Knock'
"Come in"I said as herera and huan comes in
"What are you doing?" I asked to huan " The mansion was already complete. I also told their family (All of the harem's family) to get ready for next month flight" he said
"That's good too hear. I wanted to keep them safe" I said and looked away
"Ara Ara? Is our leader worries for someone's family? Is this what you call 'Catching of their love' " herera said and chuckled as I glared at him
"Stop that herera and cooked some carbonara" I said and pout
He just chuckled as I change the topic "Okay... If you say so" he said and looked at me with 'Okay liar' face
Huan just laugh as he glued his to herera. Herara left the bedroom and go to the kitchen
"You like him?" I askes huan
"What? Pfft no" he said and laughs
"seems lie but okay" I said and continue unpacking my things
7 am at fukurodani
"Two lates...." hinata said to bokuto and akaashi
"I'm sorry hinata we got caught in traffic" akaashi lied. They are late since bokuto get hard again at 5 am
"Tsk tsk... Hinata will punish you" washio said. As bokuto blushed of what hinata will gonna give punishment
"Ugh... Fine since the both of you have excuse... You both will gonna clean the gym this 2 pm" hinata said and gave a little grin
"This is why I hate the yakuza side of him" akaashi whispered to himself
"Okay!" bokuto said cheerfully but have a disappointment in his head
"I rather wish him to step on my face" bokuto murmur while walking away
"10 minutes strecthung then proceed to our blocking and targeting training" hinata shouts and go back to his chair.
After 10 minutes all of them gathered as hinata looked at konoha.
"Konaha pleased show us how you blocked" konoha was rather confused
"I'm a wingspiker" konaha said
"I didnt asked just do it" hinata said bluntly as konoha groand and jump like a MD
"Okay..." hinata observes and take out his notebook.
"Next sarukui" hinata said as saruku blocked in the air
Hinata wrote again in his notebook
"Two Middle blockers" hinata said as washio and onaga air block
"Okay... How about... Akaashi and bokuto?" akaashu and bokuto did what he wanted. But all of them still seems clueless
"Komi practice alone what I thought you yesterday... You will not be here at the new lesson but still get improve to your receives. I will review it later" hinata said and smile at komi
"Now spikers and MD. Try to spike " hinata said
All of them spike except akaashi.
Hinata clapped as sign of 'Alright'
"Okay... Here we go" hinata taked the white board
"Konoha you totally suck at blocking" hinata said bluntly
"You see... Your arm is not that strong... You position it wrong" hinata blocked in the air
"use your feet to controlor maybe rebounce it" hinata said as konoha understands
Hinata keot explaning and showing how they should block and spike in different ways.
"Akaashi-san why don't you try spiking?" hinata asked "He's a setter" konoha "I know baka" hinata said
Akaashi just nodded and asked why "Try to spike" hinata said
Akaashi gulped as he taked the ball hinata set. He jumped and spiked it. But the ball just hurted his hand and target at the net
"Aw" akaashi said as bokuto rushed to him like he's gonna die
"Agaasheee?! Are you okay?!! Dont diee!!! Ambulance!!" bokuto yellex as the gym almost collasp at his voice
"I'm okay bokuto-san" akaashi said and his raised his hand to bokuto's face
"Stop calling ambulance" akaashi as he saw bokuto on his phone
"Can I see akaashi-san? Sorry for making you spike it" hinata said and bow to him
"It's okay..." akaashi said and smile
"Alright... You sure you okay?" hinata asked one more time.
Akaashi just smile and nodded
"Okay... Five minutes break everyone" hinata said and go to the bench and drink his water
All of the member did the same
"Why do I feel hot" konoha asked as all of them look to hunata who's undressing and wiping his sweat down