Chapter 4

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Hinata's pov

The other members was got back to our school. I command huan to take them back while the others is still here at our base

We are now here at my bedroom since it's already 8:30 they said they want to stay here

His harem: The whole karasuno except the forgotten trios

(A/N: I'm still not sure about his harem I might add some more)

"You can take showers guys!" I said and gave some clothes

"Why don't you go shower hinata? You might get cold if you let us first" Suga said which all agreed I just smile and go to the bathroom with my towel and Tshirt and shorts

"Fuck this hurts" I said as I see my palm...

"What fuck actually means?? Natsu said I should use those words as a special effect... Did it work?" I asked as I open the shower letting the water pour to my body

After 30 minutes of showering I blower my hair and my body as I throw my clothes to myself

As I opened the door I saw all of them changing and theeeee?!! What was that?! Snake on their legs?!! Is that even snake?! It's like mine but bigger!!!!

I feel my cheek burning as I opened the door again seeing them in complete clothes

"Uhmm... Huan let us borrow the bathroom in the other rooms so we already showered hehe" Shirabu said... The atmosphere was awkward!

"Uhmm... Let's organize your futons?" I asked as I change the topic

"Let me help you hinata" asahi said as we both take the futons out of the shelves

"Wait---" I stopped them which they do

"What's the problem hinata?" Noya asked

"Why do you have snakes there"I asked as I point out their you know!

3rd person's pov

The guys was flustered about the little guy said

"I-It's not snake shoyo" Kenma said and look away

"Eh?! So it's not? But I saw big and long so I thought you kept snake there!" shoyou said and bit his lower lip out of frustration

"Btw.... What is the meaning of fuck,bullshit,shit,etc?" The ginger asked all of their eyes widen

"Y-You don't know what those that mean boke?!" Kageyama asked

"Natsu doesn't want to tell me! She said it's special effects so I can scare the guys away!" He said and pout the guys were streamly shocked at the ginger.

"It-It's nothing shoyo" kenma said

"I thought you are gay?" Tsukishima asked

"Yes I am... I just like boys than girls!" he said and rolled his eyes

Knowing that the ginger is still innocent was a relief to them

"Done! We can sleep now!" hinata said and throw himself to the bed.

The guys blushed how hinata got asleep so fast that his 80% of skin is showing. The milky skin was like a food to them eagerly want to taste it

"Why do I feel like it's hot here?" goshiki asked and go to his bed as the others too

"You okay aone?"Fukatachi asked as aone nodded "He's cute" aone ssid to fukatachi making him quite shocked

"Wah?! Do you like him aone?!" kogane asked making thd others look at them as they heard. Aone honestly nodded

"Wait.... You like him too?!" all of them said exposing themselves

"I-I mean it's not like I like him!" Tendou said

"You fuckers he's mine" Tsukishima said not bothered to give hinata to them

"What?! Tsukki that's mean! I like him too!" yamaguchi pout

"Shut up yamaguchi you know we talked about this" tsukishima said which makes yamaguchi say sorry to him

"Heh! You wish! Hinata likes me because I am tall!" lev said as kenma roast him "He told me you look like a giraffe"

"That's mean kenma-san!" lev said making yaku smack his head

"Waaah more rivals akaashi!" bokuto said and jumped

"Stop exposing us bokuto-san" akaashi face palm to his bestfriend

"Eh? But he's already ours" the miya twins look at them who's now glaring

Fukatachi laugh as daishou too

"The best man wins?" The both said as they all agree to make the ginger fall for them starting now

Little did they knew the ginger alreadt fallen for them.

Hinata's pov

I opened my eyes as I see no one in the room. Maybe they already at the dining room?

I walked to there with half sleep me seeing them placing the plates.
Huan was taking care of the food.

As I see natsu isn't here, maybe mom and dad took her already

"Oh? Shoyo sit down" Huan said as he take off  his PPE

"Thanks!" I said and saw my favorite food on the table

"Shoyo want some?" All of them asked as I gonna grab the orange juice

"S-Sure!" I said and take the orange juice to them. Huan take the seat beside mine and we started eating

"Wow... This is good!" Tanaka and noya commented at huan as the others agree

"Thank you" huan said as he eats

"Eh... Huan you have rice to your upper lip" Hinata noticed as huan try to wipe it as he didnt

Hinata got irritated as he took hua face to his and get the rice with his mouth causing to make them all shocked. Huan was flustere
"Wh-Wha What was that?!"huan said and stand up. The guys throw a jealous glare

"Natsu do that to me eh?" he said huan get back to seat cursing natsu's name to death

Huan doesn't have a problems about shoyo being gay, but he swear to look at him like a brother so he is scared (Scared of falling in love)

After eating hinata and the other go back to the gym with their jersey

Huan explain some lies to the coach which they believes. All of them think that that was the last abnormal day they encounter, but that's not the last. Thinking of making hinata safe. Huan decide to put more spy to protect him at all cost making hinata uncomfortable.

The guys is still trying to take his heart

THE GANG LEADER OF SCORPION(Haikyuu!) (Hinata x harem)Where stories live. Discover now