Chapter 4- Cyrille

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My eyes furiously scan the corridors, trying to find a door that isn't locked or a window that I could possibly escape with. I feel as if I've been wandering down these halls for days without seeing another person. All I remember after getting hit by a semi is just waking up here in these castle-like halls.
Really, it wasn't even waking up; it was more or less just having my consciousness transported to another body. But, that transportation wasn't exactly instantaneous. It was as though I first regained my basic senses, and then in a few moments I regained control of my body. I can't even begin to describe the strange sensation that it gave me.
Even so, that's not even the weirdest part of what I assume to be the afterlife. I can tell the doors are locked without even touching them, and I can sense everything that's inside, from another person to a simple, ordinary number two pencil. Unfortunately, I can't do anything about that stuff, not being able to phase through things. Believe me, I've tried, but it only resulted in me seeming like a moron. I'm surprised none of the people left the room to try investigate the idiot running into walls. They also completely ignored my knocking, but that's beside the point.
I groaned in irritation, wondering why the hell I was wandering the halls anyway. There's not a single life-form- or death-form, as it just may be- anywhere I could I actually communicate with, assuming I actually have the ability to do so. I haven't uttered a single word, or for that matter, any sound whatsoever.
Suddenly, I hear two voices coming from a room full of papers, and up ahead I see an open door. I hear a sudden thud, and I quickly press myself against the wall. Slowly I shimmy over to the door, and listening in on their conversation. I hear something about a truce and work, and then footsteps leading toward the open door. I crouch down and wait for guy to leave the room.
Once he leaves, I'll jump up and pounce him- wait, no, terrible idea. That is not considered socially acceptable in most societies. I think I'll just wait for a couple of moments and try to talk to him, I guess. Ugh, talking to people. Sounds like so much fun.
The guy leaned against the door after he closed it, and I could hear thoughts racing through his head, mostly about the girl he was talking to. Wait, I can hear his thoughts? Okay, I've got this. I have to play this cool... Uh, maybe I should have listened to Haruka's rants about how to act in social situations...
I quickly stand up, only a bit too fast, so I sort of stumble over to the male, unsure of what on Earth I'll ask him. Shit, what the fuck did I even want from him in the first place? Oh no, he's staring at me with a weird look, I'm dead. Or dead again? Redead? Yeah, I'm a redead, that's it.
Quick, uh, think of something. "What the hell are you looking at?" I try to bark, but it comes out as more of a loud whisper, with my voice cracking every now and then. Wow, me, a plus answer. Damn, it is really not fun being socially awkward.

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