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"So, I hear I'm taking you to di-" my words catch in my throat, forcing out a little cough as I shamelessly stare at my wife. Not that I could stop even if I wanted to. She looks stunning. She's facing away from me, a velvet dress hugging her body as her hips sway along to a tune that I cannot hear because of the airpods in her ears.

My feet close the distance between us in a few strides, and my arms wrap around her middle.

"Jesus, Harry!" She yells as if I'm standing miles away. She's clutching her chest, but I can't help the chuckle that escapes my lips as I pluck one of her earphones out.

"You won't find it so funny if I accidentally wee myself, bladder control isn't guaranteed carrying these two around, you know," her pout has me leaning in to press a kiss to her lips.

"Sorry, baby. Didn't mean to scare you. Just couldn't help myself. You look so pretty."

"Flatterer!" She smiles as she pulls my arm tighter around her body.

"What're you listening to?" I pop the earbud in as she leans forward to apply her lipstick in the mirror. I grin as I remember the last time she was wearing it. Our shared bath in LA.

"Gonna get that lippy all over my dick again?" I blurt out as the chorus to Work From Home thrums through my body. I pull her hair back from her face and wrap it around my hand without thinking, to be honest I'm unable to think about anything other than how bewitching she'd look in this mirror if I fucked her. Right now.

My eyes stay glued to our reflection and I guess they must betray what I'm thinking as Jessi's eyes flick towards mine and she lets out a low, needy whine. I have to bite my lip to stop myself doing the same as she wiggles her bum against my hardening erection in perfect time to the beat. "Depends if you behave at dinner," she giggles as she slides the lid back on the tube and throws it into her handbag.

"Not hungry," I breathe just as my stomach rumbles louder than thunder. I shouldn't have skipped lunch today.

"Come on, let's feed your belly, then we can work on your appetite for other things." She stands up teasingly slowly and I open my mouth to protest but then she slides her hand into mine, our fingers linking on instinct.

"Promise?" I lift our joined hands and press a kiss to her knuckles, then one to her wrist.

"Try stopping me." There's a need in her voice as well as comfort, and her free hand softly tucking a strand of hair behind my ear tells me so much more than her words. She's missed me, and she's just as glad that we're back together as I am.

"Oh, I have no intention of doing that," I smirk, grabbing her bag so we can head out.


"Jessi! Harry! How're you guys doing?" Logan, the restaurant manager's voice booms before the door has closed behind us.

"Great!" Harry grins as he lets go of my hand to accept the embrace that we both know is coming. The man, now in his late 60s, wraps his arms around my husband like his favourite son has come to visit, kicking the thrum of my heart up a gear.

"You should have told me you were coming, the parlour is booked for a function -" He stops dead in his tracks when his eyes land on my bump. "Boy or girl?" He crushes me in a hug while Harry fills him in on the twins.

"You have that glow, doesn't she, Harry?" I smile at his unnecessary nudge for my husband to compliment me. He definitely didn't need help with that.

"In spades," he grins.

My fingers seek and link themselves with his as Logan pauses the conversation to get the greeters attention. "Fay, find a table for my friends."

"It's okay, we have a reservation, it's under our friend's name. Ozmen." I say before Fay has to do any juggling.

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