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I sat myself down on the sofa and put my feet up on the coffee table, narrowly missing the small vase of roses perched there. Anlon had eventually worked out that he was supposed to ask Robi to Jeffrey's party and apparently flowers were the way to go. I'd be lying if I said I was happy about this development but what can I do? 

"Daddy!" Madi's voice yells from upstairs and I hear her feet thump as she climbs down the stairs but there's another thump that doesn't fit with her steps. I glance over the back of the sofa to see her literally dragging her dolly behind her, its head is thumping off every step. "Daddy!" she yells again once she reaches the bottom and as she comes rushing towards me I realise she's only half ready, she's missing a pink shoe to match her sparkly party dress. 

"Hey angel, where's the fire?" I smile as she bumps into my legs. 

"Huh?" she pouts, her little face is bright red and her hair is all over the place. 

"What's wrong?" I chuckle. "Shouldn't you be getting ready?" 

"I have a 'mergency," her hair flies everywhere as she shakes her head, and she holds out her dolly towards me by its foot. 

"Oh no, is baby broken?" I ask, taking the poor thing from her so it's not hanging upside down anymore. 

"No, Macroni said I need t'be carefool holding da babies, but he no  sho me. You sho me?" It's like looking into her Mum's eyes as she stares up at me and lord knows I've never been very good at saying no to either. 

"Okay. So we definitely don't carry Stevie or Monroe by their ankles, yeah?" I grin as I scoop her up and sit her on my knee. 

"Daddy! You silly!" she giggles and swipes her hair away from her face. 

"I know," I place a kiss to her cheek. "So, you make a loop with your arms." I watch as she scrunches her eyebrows while copying what I'm doing. "Good job, Madi." I grin while wrapping my arm around her so I can lower her arms to her lap. "Keep them there." I pick up her doll and place it in her arms, "jus' like that, it's important to support the baby's head because they won't be able to do that on their own yet." 

"I will help 'em, Daddy!"

"I know. You're gonna be a great big sister."  I hug her tight and place a massive kiss to her cheek. I will miss her over the next couple of weeks. I will miss her a lot.


"H? Are you okay?" I ask as my husband pulls my back tight against his chest, his right arm is slung around my shoulders and his left hand cradles his drink. 

"'M fine, why?" his cheek rubs against my neck as he whispers in my ear. 

"Well, not that I'm complaining but you haven't let go of me since we got here." It isn't even an exaggeration, we've been here for two hours and he hasn't left my side once. He even waited outside when I had to use the bathroom. 

"Mmm..." his voice rumbles as he places a kiss to my temple before standing up straight again. His chin rubs against my hair and just as I'm certain he's not going to give me anymore he starts talking, "gonna see too much of a lot of people here soon, just want you." 

"H... I keep telling you I'm not going to drop off the face of the Earth, I'll still be here. We'll still see each other." I grip his arm and rub my thumb against his warm skin. Hopefully, he finds it soothing but if I'm being honest, then I'm not especially in a party mood either.  

"Harry!" I recognise Tommy's voice and Harry's arm disappears from my shoulders as he greets his friend, he immediately goes off into a rant about something or other so I leave them to it. 

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