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I make my way back to my dressing room in an even shittier mood than before my workout. Punching the crap out of the sparring pads or the punching bag didn't help me feel better, especially not after I learned that Danny is here. Clearly, my wife agrees I'm doing a shit job of looking after her, if she invited her Dad here.

I pause at the door, my hand raised to knock but - fuck it - it's my dressing room so I open the door and spot the giant of a man sat on the sofa.

"Alright Dan!"

"Shh... Jess is asleep," he nods at the other sofa and I take in the sight of my wife, cuddled under a blanket and a cushion propped under her head. "Poor girl is exhausted."

"I've been trying to get her to slow down, but she doesn't listen, I can't exactly tie her down and make her rest," I can hear the edge to my voice as I pace back and forth but screw it, does he think I don't know Jess is tired?

"Hey son, I wasn't suggesting it was your fault. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." I wish people would stop asking me that too. Sure I've been a bit pissy but my wife won't let me protect her, she fights me on every little thing and now to top it off she's decided she needs somebody else here to support her. Wouldn't anyone be annoyed in my situation?

"How long until showtime?"

I glance at the clock on the wall. There's still another two hours until showtime and my eyes drift to Jess. I'm torn wanting to stay with her but I don't want to sit here being judged, "8pm, but I should get going. Need to get ready." My head nods towards the door. I can probably get Julia to redo my nails. Splaying out my fingers I note a few chips in the candy pink colour.

"Oh - uhm - okay." His eyes narrow but before he can quiz me, the door flies open.

"POPS!" All four of my kids yell as they come streaming by me as if I don't even exist.

I watch as he squeezes them all in a massive hug and then I take my chance to sneak out of the room, not that anyone will care that I'm gone.


"Hey sweetie," my wife's voice immediately calms my nerves as I get hooked up to my in-ears backstage.

"Baby!" I smile over my shoulder at her.

"Where have you been?" Her hands softly squeeze my shoulders before she slides them down my arms and I literally feel the tension leave my body until I remember I'm annoyed at her.

"Getting ready." I shrug out of her hold and then immediately regret it.

"Danny's here. The kids missed getting ready with you - I missed you," she whispers. I hear her shoes tap against the floor as she moves closer but I still don't turn around.

"Why is Danny here?" I sigh. Clearly, they didn't miss me that much, none of them came looking for me.

"What do you mean?" She says as her hand softly closes around my wrist, she gives a gentle tug, a silent request for me to face her but I can't.

"Why is he here?" I repeat the question and she grips me tighter but I don't move. My heart hammers in my chest at the thought of turning round and seeing it written all over her face that she thinks I'm not good enough.

"H... what's the matter?"

"Ugh! Nothing!" I yell. "Why does everyone keep asking me that?"

I hear her let out a little sigh, which I know means she has an answer for that but has decided not to say it.

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