Chap 19

348 13 7

Jungkook looks out of the window drinking his favourite wine. He lets out a sigh of relief. Now he's away from all of the disasters that made his life more  of a nightmare. But still he feels he shouldn't have done this.  He shouldn't have run away from there. That place is so much close to his heart. No matter how much bad luck he had there, still there are uncountable beautiful memories that he can never forget.

He sighs staring at the beautiful lighted up city of Paris. He was feeling a bit stuffed inside the Hotel room so he decides to move out. He covers himself with a jacket and moves down the streets.

Each step feels like a new life to him. He starts breathing the fresh air with a joyous smile on his face, more of a victory smile.

He looks around while passing by the streets. The preparations for the Halloween is already here. All the people decorating their shops and restaurants and houses in a ghost theme. The children helping their parents with an extraordinary smile on their faces. Jungkook scoffs staring at their cuteness.

Suddenly his eyes flashes him back to that cute, little, tiny face and figure that made his heart beat for the first time. His cute smile invading the whole world just wanted to stay with him. No matter how much hard his life was gonna be, he decided to face it so bravely. He was a shining star for him.

Tears starts covering up his eyes making his vision a bit blur. He looks up and sees a restuarant giving discount offers in dishes cause of the upcoming Halloween. He chuckles, since when he was so found of discounts. But for now he has to save money. He can't spend it like fluid. He takes slow steps towards the shining restuarant rubbing off his eyes.

Suddenly his steps freezes in its own position as his eyes stares through the glass window of the restuarant.
With shaking hands he takes out his phone from his pocket. He dials Namjoon's phone number.

"Na-namjoon?" He speaks in a shaky deep voice.

"What? Jungkook!? Have you gone mad or what!! Fuck! I told you not to contact me anymore! The police are tracking you! Do you want to-" Namjoon's words gets a cut off by Jungkook's next words.

"Jimin is dead right?"

"Yes ofcourse he is." Comes from the other side. "Why? I did his funeral today. So you don't have to worry about that. And don't burden yourself, whatever happened it's just past, now look at your future."

Jungkook hangs up the phone, still staring at the way he was looking.

Right infront of him stands a person whom he knew so well. Who's every inch of body is so much familiar to him.
Jimin is surving the dishes to the customers inside the restuarant. He's wearing a plane white shirt and black pants with a black apron covering from his chest to his thighs, just like any other busboy.

He gets inside and stands right behind him. "Ji- Jimin?" He stammers.

Jimin turns around at the voice and bows to him. "Yes sir. How can I help you? Sir, the restaurant is full right now, can you please go and wait outside?" He speaks to Jungkook like it's the first time they are meeting.

"You- you don't remember me?"

Jimin now stops at his steps and looks back at him. "Did I borrow money from you? I'm sorry it's just my condition is not okay right now. I'll pay back as soon as possible."

His words were far more stranger than Jungkook might have ever imagined. He stares at him and unable to give any answer he moves out of the restuarant standing at its door, watching Jimin.
"He doesn't remember me? Why he needs to borrow money when he has so much with him? No, is this even the Jimin that I know?"

After standing there for almost an hour Jungkook sees Jimin talking probably with the manager and coming out of the restuarant. "He's leaving now I guess. Should I follow him?" Jungkook nods and starts following him up hiding himself as much as he can.

He can't believe with his own eyes. The person who's dead back in Korea, is alive here in Paris? Is it even possible?

Jungkook's steps stops at a far distance from a small house, as Jimin unlocking its door gets inside the house.

"Is this his home? It's more like a small rented home." Jungkook's heart starts beating fast. After waiting for some moment when he saw no one coming out, he walks back to where he was coming from.

Just right at the moment as he moves out of a lane, he bumbs to someone making that person fall on the ground. "Ouch! I'm- I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't see you." He helps the person standing up.

His vision freezes just like the way his feet frozed sometime back. His eyes not wanting to move from the face of the person. His mind is going crazy.

"YAAHH! you should look out when you're walking down the streets. Bloody asshole." He curses Jungkook.

A police officer comes running towards them. Jungkook gets startled by the sight of the cop. He takes some steps back making himself ready to run. But a moment later he realises that the cop wasn't coming for him but for the person right infront of him.

"Mr. Min Yoongi, no more running, you're under arrest my dear." He pins Yoongi on the wall of the house near them and puts handcuffs to his wrists.

Thanking Jungkook, the cop walks away with Yoongi.

Jungkook stands there just as speechless as he can be.

The people who are dead, he's seeing them alive here. Is he hallucinating? Or is it real? His mind wanders around all the possible thoughts that can come.

"This world is really strange." He goes back to the Hotel he's staying.


Okay so I thought this can be the ending of the story. But No! I want to write more.. maybe the ending is not as much good as you expected.. I'm sorry for that 😞.. but Do you want a sequel of this story? 😀🥺..

If yes then maybe I'll be writing it's part two soon. The next chapter is just a token of Love from my side to all of you who gave me so much of love and support 💞💞🥰🥰

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