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Hancock was beginning to worry. On her days that she was off from work, Luffy would be at work most of the time. The two had moved into a house together since they had saved the money over the past few months, but since it was a large house, she was alone when he was gone at work.

And of course, after months, people at a job come and go. This was the same for Lácour. New, young women came to work there as many left. This too worried Hancock, since they did spend time together sometimes, it wasn't enough to rely on.

She felt like he was a stranger sometimes.

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"Shit, I forgot I was supposed to cook tonight." Hancock muttered, getting up from her comfy spot on her living room sofa.

In the background she was watching 'Meteor Garden' on Netflix but paused it when she sat up. It was a k-drama so she was forced to read subtitles on the bottom of the screen she she didn't speak any Korean to understand what the hell they were talking about.

Hancock made her way into the house kitchen and opened the fridge, checking to see if she had anything she could cook. She took out a couple chicken patties and prepared the stove to cook them.

Opening the cabinet above the stove, she pulled out a packet of teriyaki rice to cook along with the chicken.

"Okay and then salad should be good."

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The food was complete, so she quickly fixed her plate and a plate for Luffy.

The raven haired woman checked the time; 10:30. Luffy still hadn't shown up.

Hancock poured herself a glass of champagne and sat herself down at the kitchen table, sipping on her champagne occasionally as she waited for Luffy. She didn't wanna eat without him, but his plate that was sitting across from her was beginning to get cold.

It was okay, right? Luffy must've gotten caught up with some papers at work, but he was sure to come through the door at any second.

She waited.

And waited.

Her champagne glass was now empty, so she just sat there. At this point both plates were cold. Hancock reached for her phone to check the time again.


Where was he?

The question kept showing up in Hancock's head, but she quickly pushed it down and muttered a, "I'm sure he's gonna be here soon."

But he wasn't there the hour after that, so Hancock sat there for a few more hours.

This time, when she checked her phone it was 3:20. No way.. no way.. where is he??

Her eyes were filled with tears.

There was no way that he was out with someone else. He told her that he would never do anything of the sort, but could she really trust him?

They barely talked to one another and it just felt fake, even when they did. Hancock didn't blame him if he were to cheat on her, but a mixture of emotions overtook her.

So she sat there for even longer. The plates on the table went untouched, and so did the bottle of champagne that was placed. Luffy's plate was made with care and she made it look like perfection. The silverware was washed; scrubbed even, since he had promised her to spend a dinner together on this night.

But he still wasn't home.

* . ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .

Finally, at 5:15 Hancock heard the door open. His footsteps could be heard as they made their way towards the table, and when he finally did;

Hancock flashed him a look of hurt.

The house was completely darkened except for the dim light of the dining room lamp. She was sitting there, tears running down her face. The food was now hardened and cold.

She looked absolutely pitiful. And the look- oh the look! That she had given him, was so full of hurt and betrayal that he didn't even know that it was the same cheerful and shy woman he knew. He became overtaken with guilt.

She grabbed her phone and stood up from her chair abruptly, walking up the stairs to the bedroom without a word.

* . ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .

700 words

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