unravel Secrets

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Third person pov

As the blizzard went away, the Royalty Dreaming were having second thoughts on that blizzard, it brought them george, Wilbur, Sapnap and Bbh. And yet The four feels the same.  But since it's their boyfriends they decided to tell them. But they won't tell all of them at once, they decided to tell them in one to one. It was night time and well nighttime is the best way. Let's get with the ships.

With skephalo

Skeppy pov

Tonight me and the boys are going to tell them. As me and bad are going to our room, when bad bout got to sleep 💤 it was time.

Skeppy:bad, I need to tell you something.

Bad:what is it skep?

Skeppy:ok how do I say this.... will you love me no matter what?

Bad:of course you muffin head.

Skeppy:ok, please just don't tell anybody that's outside of this house.


Skeppy:*lets out some diamond skin*

Bad:omg Skeppy are you ok? Is this hurting you?!

Skeppy:no bad that's my skin, that's the reason why I asked you those things.

Bad:does that mean...

Skeppy:bad, I understand that you hate me now and I'm a shiny freak, but just please don't tell anyone

Bad:no Skeppy, I do love you and no your not a shiny freak, but I won't tell anyone. Besides your my shiny freak.

Skeppy:heh thxs bad.

Bad:no problem expensive boi

Skeppy:Really!? Thats what Angel calls me. ŤMŤ. Not you too.

Bad:oh skeppy.

With Sap6d

Sapnap's pov

A6d told me to meet him at his room by the wall thats next by his cat tower. Okay strange.  As I walked over to the wall, I was nearly close to the wall that leaved some space. I pulled out my phone checking to see if there's any new texts, but then I heard something that was in the wall, I look the wall then a pair of arms grabbed my shoulders and a head came in and kissed me, but the head was familiar that's when I notice it was A6d's head. Then he breaks the kiss.


A6d:hi Sapnap

Sapnap:how? Wha?

A6d:yes I know this is weird but this is why I texted you this, this is what I can do. Me and the boys have abilities. And mine is going and see through walls.

Sapnap:so this is why you cover your eyes.

A6d:yeah... I know this is not normal but this is me and I understand that you hate me now but go ahead.



Third person pov

A6d took lead his head by Sapnap's face and then..

*kiss 💋 *

Sapnap was kissing A6d's lips, A6d was and thought he would hated him. But no it was the opposite. The kiss broke and A6d was still shock.

A6d:I thought you hated me right now.

Sapnap:how could I hate someone that I like.

Then the kiss continues with love and tiredness.

royal strings (TecnoSoot) (Dreamnotfound)Where stories live. Discover now