after then back pass

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Third person pov

After the show Dream and tecno were over blushed and dizzy from the sight of the boys that they seen. Angel was questioning them.

Angel:why are your faces red?

Dream:My little warrior, let's just say I saw someone that I felt a skip in my heart, even tecno.


(Man she's so innocent)

S💎:oh finnally we're done. ŤvŤ

A6d:*use powers*, well you think we can handle some fans, cause you forgot that there's a backpass that people have.

S💎:why u must ruined everything?! T^T

Woker:guys your on at ten, k?


The room went silent until dream and tecno though about something.

Dream:wait 6, is there a boy with a tanktop with black shorts.

A6d:*uses powers* ummm... yeah, why?

Dream:yesss! 😄

Tenco:is their a boy with glasses with him.


Tecno&Dream:their here.

A6d:oh hey, there's a cute cool boy, with them. Nice.

Skeppy:should I be worried.

Angel:don't know

Woker:hey fellas its time

As the band went out, their first people were there. Its twins of girls having a mask that represents dream and the other has a crown that mean tecno. Both were asking for a autograph and a hug. Then a lomg line came. Then they were in break, but dream notice something, it was the cute boy that he seen. (A.k.a george)

George's pov

Man this line is long and yet we're the last ones that mean their probably going to be gone, nuuuuu!

Wilbur:hmmm.... some girls touch him, what about you sap and bad?

Sapnap and bad were blushing.

Sapnap's thoughts:they didn't tell me thats their a hot blindfolded boy in the band.

Bbh's thoughts:that diamond boy is hot.

Both never said anything.

Third person pov

The break was over and more dans were happy, nothing really happened until it was the last group. (A.k.a george, Wilbur, Sapnap, and bad)

As they got up george and Wilbur were nervous.

Dream and the band blushed as they saw the cute boys.


George:h-hi its really nice to meet you in real life. Me and my twin brother Wilbur are big fans of you guys.

Dream:oh that's nice.

As dream and george talked the other boys were talking.

With bad and Skeppy

Bad:So this is the band, how's life?

Skeppy:its good

Skeppy:*its better now that you show up*

Bad:hmm? What was that? Am I wasting your time, I'm sorry.

Skeppy:mo its fine, its been a long day with other fans, you know what I'm saying


Skeppy:so....  you live here or you just travel?

Bad:oh I live here with meh friends.


With sap and a6d

Sapnap:your the dj of the band, right? How is it?

A6d:oh its fine, besides dealing with these fellows

Sap:yeah I feel you


A6d:so you wanna hang out sometime?

Sapnap:*blushes* yeah sure. *gives number*

A6d:*added it to his phone*

With Wilbur and tecno

Tecno:so your the one I kept hearing

Wilbur:omfg, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean, I was enjoying the show and....

Tecno:don't worry I was just kidding.

*Wilbur blushes in embarrassment*

Tecno:you look good.

Wilbur:oh hehe thanks.....

*Wilbur shivers*

Tecno:Oh my its cold outside isn't it? Here have my cloak.

Wilbur:oh no I'm fine, but thanks I don't need it.

Tecno:nonsense I saw that shiver, don't lie.

As Tecno puts the cloak on for Wilbur, his face heated up.


Worker:hey guys bad news, there's a blizzard coming, I better get home if I were you.

The boys look in skock

George:oh dear lord we better get going, because we live fair away from here.

Wilbur, Sapnap, and bad were sad but they know whats best. The band didn't want them to go, but then they have an idea.

Dream:hey why don't y'all spend the night at our house

The four blushed but it was for the greater good.

The agreed, and Dream hurled up yin, yang, and angel. And then they got into the car and their off.

I summon cute moment

Angel looked at the men that she didn't knew.

Angel:daddy, who are they.

Dream:oh they just going to stay the night, but don't worry they won't hurt you.

Angel:okey 😊

The boys are smiling at the cute girl

George's thoughts:is he married? No I looked at his hand and no ring.

royal strings (TecnoSoot) (Dreamnotfound)Where stories live. Discover now