10 Years Later

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Charlie P.O.V.

I'm laying in bed waiting for the sun to come up. Today is the day me and Y/n get married. I've been waiting for this day ever since we graduated High School. None of us went to college, we stayed in the band. In fact, we are still in the band but we stopped our tour for Wen and Olivia's wedding, Mo and Scott's wedding then Stella's wedding with this dude named John. Now it's me and Y/n's turn.

"Time to wake up buddy." Wen yells throwing a pillow in my face.

" I'm up. I'm up." I admit. Scott walks in.

" Wait until you see Y/n's dress. You're going to flip." Scott claims.

" That's not fair you get to see it." I say.

" Actually it is. The groomsmen get to see her but not you. Boo Hoo." Wen says. I roll my eyes.

" I just want to get to the wedding part already!" I exclaim.

" Nuh-uh you have to get ready and then you have to take pictures by yourself. Y/n has to get ready and take pictures by herself." Wen explains. I groan and Scott chuckles.

" C'mon your time will come before you know it." Scott says dragging me out of bed only to realize that I'm naked.


"IT WAS ONE TIME! I GOT HOT!" I yell back.

" Guess you and Y/n are made for each other after all." Scott says looking at his phone.

" What makes you say that?" I ask.

" Mo said Y/n slept in only her panties and her excuse was that it was hot." Scott explains.

" SEE!" I yell at Wen. He shakes his head and they get me dressed so I can go get ready.

Your P.O.V.

"I can't believe you slept with nothing but your panties on." Stella says while I get changed.

" IT WAS ONE TIME! I GOT HOT!" I yell. Mo laughs and gets on her phone.

" Whatever." Stella states.

" Sounds like you and Charlie are really meant to be each other." Mo states.

"What makes you say that?" I ask.

" Scott said that Charlie slept naked and his excuse was the same as yours." she explains. I laugh.

"Great minds think alike." I flip my hair. Stella scoffs.

"Whatever." she leaves.

" You ready to get ready?" Mo asks. I nod my head.

*A few Hours Later*

Charlie P.O.V.

I'm standing at the alter waiting for Y/n. I'm literally shaking right now. Wen puts his hand on my shoulder.

" It's going to be ok, bud. No offense, but I hope you cry." Wen says.

"Gee thanks dude." I say. Thats when I look up and see Y/n and her father standing there. I try to hold back my tears, but I really can't. I cover my mouth with my hand and let the tears fall. I notice her eyes have tears herself and she laughs at me. They get up to the alter and the priest asks.

" Who presents this woman to be married to this man?" The priest asks.

" Me and her mother." her dad says.

The priest nods and Y/n walks up to be met with me.

" Don't cry you'll smudge your mascara." she tells me. I roll my eyes and grab her hands.

*At the Vows* Mainly because I'm not going through the whole wedding

"And now for the vows, first the bride." The priest motions for Y/n to go.

" Ok, don't judge me, I had no-where else to put my paper so I put it in my bra." Everyone laughs. She covers herself as she takes the paper out.

" Ok, here we go. I-uh didn't want to take too long or be too sappy, because that's not my thing. I remember the first day we like actually talked to each other. I was running to meet Mo and bumped into you. At the time you were a stuttering mess and I had no clue as to why." She starts. Everyone laughs including me. " Now that I know you liked me it makes sense." Everyone laughs again. "Later that day we got detention together and for some reason I feel that we instantly clicked. I remember the first time I realized I liked you. We were at Dante's when we decided to actually do the band. You looked at me and that was when I realized that I fell in love with Charlie Delgado." she finishes. I wipe my tears.

" And now the groom." the priest states. I take the paper from Wen and face Y/n.

" I've liked you since the 7th grade. You always looked busy or pre-occupied. That day when you ran into me was absoutley the worst yet best day of my life. I remember thinking I made a complete fool out of myself." I state and everyone laughs. "When I saw you walk in detention and saw the bond you had with your brother made me like you even more. Everything you do makes me fall in love with you more, when you care for your friends or when you sing. I've loved you for a while now and I will always love you." I finish. She wipes her tears.

" Charlie Delgado, do you take Y/n Gifford to be your lawfully wedded wife?" the priest asks.

" I do." I respond quickly and everyone laughs.

" Y/n Gifford do you take Charlie Delgado to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

" I do." she responds.

" I now pronunce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride." he says.

" Finally." I mutter. Y/n laughs and I kiss her. She smiles into the kiss and I do as well.

                                                                                                                         The End

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2021 ⏰

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