Chapter 2

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   As you put away books a new sense of emotion fuelled your body. How being in a library made you happy no one could give an answer, not even yourself. Smiling and humming you alphabetically put books back where they went as the sun shined through the windows filling the place with warmth.

   You decided that you would work a full day shift to get the hang of things and to know how to close the library. As dusk settled you closed up the store with another worker and started to head home with a new pep in your step. Though you were reminded that you won't be here long and would have to leave, joy still reigned over you. As you neared the hotel the feeling of being watched washed over you making your hairs stand and shivers running down your spine. Your mind already started to race of things that could happen and what you should do.

   Slightly turning your head you see no one behind you or around you making you even more nervous. Why we're you feeling watched if no one was around? You stretch towards the sky to get a birds eye view and see a black raven on the top of your building. Pretending to not see it you walk into your building calmly then run up the stairs to the roof. The thought that maybe, just maybe, someone could be there.

   Pushing open the door you look around and see no one except the raven who was now look at you straight in the eyes. You knew this bird; you've seen it before in other countries. It may be a bird now but you knew that this bird was none other than No.2. You felt a bit of anger boil inside of you as you walked towards the bird. He just couldn't leave you be.

"What are you doing here?"

   The raven just stared at you without a single noise as you approached it. Something in you finally snapped and you grew mad at this fact. Why was it so quiet? Why didn't it change into No.2? Why was he still spying on you?

"You have been following me everywhere I go! I just want peace and quiet! Can't you just let me be! I am sorry for leaving abruptly, but, I couldn't stay!"

As you screamed at the raven you felt a big presence stand behind you. The shadow of the man you had been running from hovering over you. To frightened to turn and meet this man's gaze, you stood still clenching your fist. How you felt so mad but scared was sending your stomach into loops.

   As you watch the bird fly off the feel of his hand brushes up your arm and lands on your shoulder sending shivers down your spine. His grip slowly putting pressure and turning you to face him. You some how couldn't resist as he turned you around no matter how loud you were screaming in your head. You didn't dare look up and only stared at the clothed chest in front of you recognizing the color and smell. The hand that was once on your shoulder now trailed up your neck to you chin tilting your head up.

"It is rude to not look someone in the eyes my dear."

Even though you knew who it was shock still hit your face as your eyes met his making you feel weak at the knees. How could you ever forget those sungold eyes that only ever stared lovingly at you. Caressing your cheek he holds eye contact not wanting to break it for fear still rested inside that if he looked away you would be gone yet again. His name hitched in the back of your throat as his finger trailed your jaw. Keeping eye contact you swallow hard feeling aroused by his stare.

"I've missed you, y/n. I've been looking all over for you. Now I've finally found you."

As he leaned in closer your breathing began to quake.

"M-M-My Lord."

He silences you putting his finger over your lips, his thumb slowly gliding over your bottom lip.

"You don't call me that."

A faint smile appeared on his lips after hearing you say his name. How long it has been since he's heard your voice or touched you. He couldn't hold back any more. Leaning closer in talking just above a whisper near your ear he says,

"I need you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2021 ⏰

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