The winglet meeting

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(Quick note, this alters from Luna's, to Sunset's, to Winterheart's perspective, I couldn't decide who it should be so I went with all of them.)

The bell rang, symboling that they had to get to their winglet meeting. They walked down the hallway, not talking to each other at all. As they walked down the hallway, Luna took a sharp turn into the library. "Aren't we in one of the caves?" Winterheart questioned. Luna shook her head. "We're with the gold winglet today, so we have to hold the meeting in the library, otherwise no one will fit.".

They were the first ones there, but after they entered, two seawing/rainwing hybrids followed them into the room. One was pink and yellow, and the other was a dark teal. They both had webbed talons, glow-in-the-dark scales, and gills. "OMG, hi!" said the yellow and pink one, practically jumping with excitement. "Isn't this place amazing! I absolutely love it here! My name's Kiki by the way, and this grumpy hybrid here is my brother typhoon. He doesn't talk much. I'm the seawing for the gold winglet, and he's the seawing for the jade winglet, so I guess you guys should get to know each other." the girl was a fountain of words and excitement. Just when they thought she couldn't possibly talk any more, three more dragons entered the room.

One was a pure-blooded nightwing, representing the nightwing for the gold winglet, and the others were rainwing/nightwing hybrids, representing the rainwings for the gold and jade winglet. Luna had everyone's thoughts slipped in raindrops at the back of her head, but she could sense the annoyance and power that radiated off the older one, but Luna could tell the annoyance was toward Kiki.

After them came two skywings, along with a mudwing and a skywing/mudwing hybrid. Then came a scarred sandwing, whom Sunset clearly recognized, because her face lit up when she saw him.

Lastly, a whirlwind of white and blue entered the room. "OMG! Isn't this place amazing!! There is sooooooo much gossip, and gossip and rumors and drama are, like, my life. I absolutely love it here, don't you? My name's Snowdrift by the way.".

"Okay everyone!" Tsunami yelled, surprising everyone. "Now that everyone's here, let's all introduce ourselves. I'll go first. I'm Tsunami, as you probably already know, I'm a dragonet of destiny, have two dragonets named Conch and Aqua, and I'm head of the school, which basically means I'm the best person here." she flashed them a cocky grin. " Snowdrift, since you seem so eager, you can go first.". Winterheart thought that was a good idea, because Snowdrift looked like she was going to burst, Winterheart thought, from not speaking. "Okay, so I'm Snowdrift, fifth circle, I love gossip, rumors, talking, and I live in possibility with my parents. And my favorite color is silver glitter!" she gushed out. Then came Kiki, and boy, could that girl talk. "My name is Kiki, my favorite colors are yellow and pink, I think this place is amazing, my parents are super cool, I know Luna very well, my dad's a animus, and my mom is incredibly optimistic!" the nightwing went next. "I'm Assassin." she snapped at them. "My mother was the backup nightwing assassin, but she died on a mission near Burn's stronghold. Glory's my stepmother, and I'm one of the only reasonable dragons in her defense and army. And my favorite color is black." "Atlas Orbis est nomen meum ego habito in rainforest est mater mea luna, natus est per ter me plena luna, exire, et solemnitates possit loqui ad astra. Ego quoque have paulo sororem nomine Starfrost qui est amicus meus optimus mindreader et obscuratus est nomen eius. Ego sum placuit esse hic est argentum, et ventus color et color de in Calendis coram Domino." Luna said simply, as everyone gawked at her.

(I'm going to stop here, because it would take forever to write all the introductions, but I'll write about everyone's background in the next chapter.)

(Btw, Luna's introduction roughly translates to: My name is Luna, I live in the rainforest with my mother moon, I was born under three full moons, can read minds and tell the future, and can also speak to the moons and stars. I have a little sister named Starfrost, and my best friends name is Eclipse. I am delighted to be here, and my favorite color is silver, the color of the moons. Easy to translate write?😉)
(Also, total credit to LaurenABlack for the idea of a (quote) "quirky Latin speaking daughter". I love ander 😊)

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