The Dawn of Divergent. chapter 7. The test serum

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       "Hmm so someone in the system that's extrodinary. The key.." I think, a key to controlling them. "Maybe how a key?" jeanine continues "Divergent genetics are... different. More flexible. Divergents are highly independent and freethinking. That's a liability." I think "Hmm. So the key to your research. Cause they are more extrodinary. Well that definitely you. Oh...And I just brought her to you. Dang." Jeanine answers "Yes, you did. The extraordinary human and the extraordinary Time Lord." I look down, dang I messed up. Not good. She's going to experiment on her now too, I telpathic "tris im sorry I got you into this. She might do to you what she once did to me... experimenting on." I look up at Rani "it's probably like Christmas now to you isn't it?"
         Jeanine replies "Yes. It is. Two dangerous, very powerful people. Now mine. And I will offer you the same choice as before: Ally, or Guinea pig?" I stare at tris, wondering what she would chose willing her not to work with Rani. She answers "How about I flip you the bird and take my friend home, and you stop experimenting on innocent people?" I smirk, liking tris, I telpathic her "and I could use my powers"  I speak out loud to Rani "we can escape." Jeanine continues "you've got a lot of nerve"   "I know you can't hold us forever and when people here from other factions find out what you are doing. Ooh it's not going to be good for you."  I think about the Doctor and Dawn hoping they are doing ok in thier factions. Jeanine replies "they won't mind once they realize that what I do is for the good of everyone."

       "Hmm. Your going to control them aren't you so they have no choice. "I think about it and struggle with the shackles more. Tris speaks up "Whatever you're about to do, just do it." I shiver a little not wanting her to do anything to us. Jeanine pulls out a wicked sharp needle

Tris yells out "Gah! What's in that!?"

Jeanine smirks at her "You should know. Being Dauntless." "What do you mean?" I ask  looking  at her shivering just by looking at the needle. Tris answers me "Dauntless fear simulation. Makes you see a distortion of reality." "Hmm. Well that doesn't sound fun." I look over at tris wondering how many times she had to go through that.

       Tris continues "it's part of initiation for us. Every Dauntless goes through it." "Everyone? Well what a wonderful society you've created here, Rani." I say in a sarcastic voice. Jeanine nods walking towards me  "They made their choice. Too bad you don't have the same luxury." She injects me a orange colored liquid. 

I stare at her and my eyes get wide as she injects me with something "ouch! Thats sharp. What was that?"  I say concerned. Tris squeezes my hand. "Be brave katrina" I look back at tris smiling at her "I am."  suddenly my veins hurt feeling like they are on fire I yell out in pain "ouch! Ahh! Ooh ooh! Mmm"  squeezing my eyes shut to try to ease the pain. Jeanine sees me in pain and simply states "well, obviously that formula doesn't work." I shake from the serum "what... is it supposed Then?" I look up at her through the pain. Tris explains "Well, normally, they're supposed to trigger the fear centers in your brain to enable you to face and overcome your worst fears. But I don't think the Rani is interested in self-discovery."

        "Yeah. She isn't..." I clench my teeth as the pain grows, not able to say much more trying not to yell out in pain "you...gave me... a you knew wouldn't... work?" jeanine states "I wanted to see if the human formula worked on you." "Im.. not human.. you should. . Know th-ahh!" I close my mouth again clenching my teeth more "why in the world would on me?" I look up at her "you.. did it on purpose..." i feel myself losing the battle with the pain my body willing itself to pass out. I hold it back as best I can. I almost lost the battle with it and I hear tris say something before I pass out. "Come on. Stay awake."

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