The Dawn of Divergent. chapter 17. Farwell

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      "I got her running again! And I left the brakes on, the way you like it." She says standing by the tardis.  I look over my shoulder "that's great! Do you have something we can tie up Rani with?"   she throw me  a length of paracord "This should work." "Ok. Let's do this!"  I help wrap it around Rani Dispite her struggling, her glaring angrily at me.   we finish tying her up  "Okay, everyone ready?"

Tris looks at the TARDIS longingly "Doctor, could I... maybe come with you?"

       "Well first let's get out of here then we can talk about that."  he leads us all to the tardis leaving Rani tied up looking mad. Before he closes the door he looks back at Rani. "Now don't get into too much trouble while we are gone. K?" He grins at her then closes the door all of us in the tardis. 

I plop down in the chair relieved. "Ooh I'm glad we are out of there" the Doctor starts up the tardis and takes off. Tris walks over to The Doctor "I need to ask you something. Katrina and I were discussing it earlier. I was wondering if we could... come with you." he looks up after having put In the coordinates for flying into space "oh. You do?" "Yes. I mean, if there is still any way I can help over there, then I'll stay. But if we can come with you..." she continued.

"I don't know..."  the Doctor mumbles still messing with the Controls.

        Dawn speaks up  "I wish we could. But I've seen how this story is supposed to end."  i add agreeing with Dawn "it's up to my dad, I mean Rani is still going to be here. When she gets out she could take over everything here."    the Doctor also adds "And they're going to need someone with your selfless courage to kick her into next week." I smirk "yeah. You might have to stay here. We will come visit when we can."  I give tris a hug and then slightly awkwardly huged four.  the Tardis lands in the Dauntless sector.  I open the door "here we are. Be careful. I wouldn't stay in one place if I were you. Rani probably has a close watch on you."

Dawn   hugs Four awkwardly and Tris a little less awkwardly. "Goodbye. I'll keep in touch." tris smiles back "we will bye."  she steps out the door. We step back into the TARDIS. "I'm gonna miss them.." Dawn says.

           I nod "yeah. you know.. there's something about tris that reminds me of myself.. I can't figure out what."

          Dawn smiles back at me suspiciously.   "Spoilers."

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