Chapter 4

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On the way to Victor's house Sherlock tried talking John out of going with him and Mycroft again but John refused to back down, he wouldn't let his abuser have the satisfaction of knowing John was too scared to face him. John was grateful when Sherlock gently held his hand during the car ride. As they had managed to make Moriarty stay at the apartment they didn't have to hide their relationship anymore. They also didn't want Moriarty to know what they were doing so he could stop them.

Sherlock's hand in his made John feel grounded and stopped him from spiralling. They arrived at Victor's house sooner than John would have liked. Sherlock squeezed his hand reassuringly as they made their way to the front door with Mycroft behind them. It took all of his willpower for John to force himself to ring the doorbell. 

When Victor opened the door he smirked at the sight of John, "I knew you would come crawling back to me", Victor said and tried to grab John's waist but Sherlock moved John behind him. 

"That is not why John is here!" Sherlock said visibly shaking with rage, the only thing stopping him from taking his anger out on Victor was that John wanted him alive. 

Victor just scoffed, "Really?" Victor said sarcastically, "And who are you his boyfriend?" 

"Yes actually I am and-" 

"We believe you are in danger from Moriarty and are here to protect you", Mycroft interrupted making Sherlock give him a death glare. While Mycroft wasn't completely convinced Moriarty was the killer, he unfortunately couldn't ignore the possibility that he was. 

"Even if I am in danger I certainly don't want to be protected by the slut who stole John from me". 

"How dare you call Sherlock a slut! He didn't steal me from you, I never cheated I just couldn't take your abuse anymore!" John yelled, he normally wouldn't have the courage to yell at his ex but he couldn't let Victor call Sherlock a slut.

"I told you to never talk back to me!" Victor said and backhanded John. 

Sherlock saw red and punched Victor, Mycroft and John had to pull Sherlock back to stop him beating Victor up. "Mycroft I don't care if Victor is in danger, I can't protect the man that abused John!" 

"I don't like it either but maybe by protecting him we can be there before the murderer tries to kill him and we can catch the one behind this". 

Sherlock reluctantly stopped struggling, "Fine! But he has to watch what he says or I will punch him again". 

"Victor we don't care if you don't want our protection you need it and we are giving it to you", Mycroft said and brushed past Victor into his house. 

"Hey! I didn't say you could come in!" Victor yelled and followed Mycroft trying to stop him. 

Sherlock stopped John when he tried to go in, "I know you want to face Victor but please don't do this it's too dangerous". 

"I understand you are scared for me, but I can protect myself Sherlock". 

"It's not just that, I don't understand why you even want to protect Victor. Do you still have feelings for him?"

"What? No of course I don't, I stopped loving him long ago. How could you think I still have feelings for him after what he has done to me?" John said tearfully. 

Sherlock realized he had crossed the line but he was so angry and he couldn't control his anger, "I just said because you want to protect him. It makes me wonder if you have been cheating on me with him, you have been out late a lot I have barely seen you lately". 

"Now you are accusing me of cheating? I would never do that to you Sherlock, I just stood up to Victor for you when he called you a slut. You know I have been out late because of work, Lilly has been sick so I have had to do her shifts as well I told you this", John said and angrily stormed into Victor's house leaving Sherlock outside. 

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