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"Oh yeah" I say with excessive nodding. I thought that would be the end of that story but Jimin looks at me with expectation to carry on.

"A lot more than what you might think. Sure-you still get your assholes that treat them less than but nothing new there. I would say there's a lot more support than in society" I add on. I lean forward, making the whole group lean in with me, hanging on my every word. I stare Jimin straight in the eyes.

"And just between you and me, it's because there's a lot more younger people in the military. Much more accepting than those old homophobic farts" I say with a grin, trying to lift the mood a little. Jimin absorbs my words as he nods, giving me a grin.

"Thanks" he says, looking slightly relieved.

"On a lighter note, I saw this very impressive looking cloud when I was waiting for you guys. Let me show you" I say while I stand up to quickly fetch my phone on top of the shifted coffee table. I find the image as I rush back to the group to show off the impressive photo I took.

After a bit of light hearted conversation, we were eventually scolded to sleep by Jin. I could hear everyone's breathing in their sleep, RM being the loudest. Some things just doesn't change.

For some reason, I found myself staring at the ceiling.

"Can't sleep?" I hear a voice, the person right next to me. The very person that scolded the group to go to sleep. Is he going to scold me till I fall asleep?

"...no" I unconvincingly say. Jin turns to face me.

"Well, your answer already gives me the answer" I can basically see Jin grinning. It's a bit dark to see anything clearly. I can only make out a few things.

"You're not sleeping either" I defend.
"Something on your mind?" Jin asks as he completely ignores my statement.

"Was Jimin really worried about that? The whole gay thing?" I quickly ask.
"I mean, it's definitely something to consider. It's like transferring from a public school to an all-boys private school. At first, it's not major, something that isn't made a big deal, but then you move to all male. It's something to consider, something that isn't so easily overlooked among others" Jin smartly explains. I consider his words.

"Hey, you're pretty smart too" I say. A hand pushes me in the shoulder.
"Duh" Jin says, sounding offended.

"...I really missed you" Jin starts. I feel a hand on my cheek.
"I would hope so" I laugh it off. I hear him shifting around. It seems he is looking at the others.

"Something wrong?" I ask as blind as a bat. I can't see much, only figures.
"I'm just wondering if the others will wake up" he responds, quieter than before.
"I don't think so" I say, slightly confused. What would even wake them up?

"If RM's snoring doesn't wake them up, I don't know what will" I silently laugh as I lay back.
"I can think of a few things" Jin says as he shifts closer. I shift an inch the other way. He probably wants space.

He proves my thoughts wrong as he shifts even closer.
"Don't move" he whispers in my ear.
"Um" I sound, incredibly confused and what Jin does nexts shocks me wide awake. I feel his tongue against my ear. Jin felt my visible jolt and smiles against my ear just before he nibbles on it.

"Hold up. Hold up" I frantically whisper, trying to get my head away.
"Scared?" Jin whispers and I can see the smirk on his face.

"Sure-scared" I sarcastically say, but I realise I shot myself in the foot dismissing that excuse.
"Right, Golden Boy is never afraid" Jin deeply chuckles and swiftly gets on top of me.

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