Cha-pter *7*

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"Is your body okay?" Yunlan asked being so much concerned. Shen Wei was sitting on the couch feeling very irritated about last night when he made no answer. The subject was repugnant to his feelings, and he did not wish to speak about it. Shen Wei had already regretted being submissive to Yunlan in bed. So there was a long silence for nearly five minutes. 

"Let's just think nothing happened. Form now on, we are just strangers to each other. I hope you won't cause me any inconvenience, so will I" Ejaculated Shen Wei, in a voice of painful surprise. For him last night was only a freaking nightmare, so terrifying to remember.

"I will let you have the inheritance, I won't bother going through court or stand in your face if you just let me live in peace!" Shen Wei added, as his mind grew clearer about what he wants, and he felt better assured of the reality that existed. That man in front of him was his uncle and the relationship between the two is in all ways forbidden. 

Zhao Yunlan drew his arms around the weak Wei after pulling him to stand. He clasped him with a straining embrace to his chest. He made no answer for some time listening attentively to his unreasonable request. The words this man said under these circumstances, had startled Yunlan, and he almost feared to trust his own voice in response. At length, with a deeply, sighing breath, Yunlan's struggled to find a response.

"It's not for you to decide when to start our relationship and when to end it. I told you yesterday and I won't repeat it again. If you want my silence than you pay with your body. We spent a splendid night, don't you wanna feel good again?" Yunlan whispering like a malignant spirit in Shen Wei's ear. Happily, his will to harm the man extended no further then words. No guilt can stain the confidence Yunlan spoke with.

"O......k.......a.........y" Breathed Shen Wei with a very low voice as pure as when he laid his head wearily to rest on Yunlan's shoulder. 

"If it's my body that you want so bad, then I am gonna poison it to make sure you die along with me Zhao Yunlan" Wei added internally, his mind fast recovered the hatred that was growing inside of him; having a clearer perception of what is true and dangerous about this relationship the two have.

"I am so happy you agreed my angel" An emotion of thankfulness arose in Yunlan's chest as he said inwardly, the words were kept back from the lips. Yunlan had a secret, a painful one causing him to feel really disgusted with himself in his heart, and he feared less to convey it to Shen Wei who had already bursted out loud all his shameful crimes of the past.

"I had a creepy past too, you can say I have witnessed all ugliness in this life that I am not ready for more. I grew up in an orphanage, I have lost half of my memories and was raised by more than a family who mistreated me countless of times.......... He he he" Yunlan laughed sarcastically before he added,

"How cruel" Those painful memories of thoughts were earnestly buried deep inside Yunlan causing him long sleepless nights and extreme sorrow.

"Do you know who is a true orphan Yunlan? Not only who grew up without his parents, no, but who lives in loneliness between his family members with both parents being neglect, me and you are just the same" There was more feeling in the tone of his voice than he had meant to betray. Shen Wei lifted his eyes to his face, and looked at him with a wonder he could not conceal.  

"There is a saying that I believe in it. They say the past is history, the future is a far way mystery and today is a present, just be my Christmas and New year present Shen Wei Ah" Said Zhao Yunlan in a gentle, subdued, yet tender voice. His spontaneous words have no power to fill the heart most conquered by hatred towards him, but Shen Wei felt a slight relief that Zhao Yunlan has nothing in mind about hurting him more than he already did.

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