Cha-pter *25*

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Xin Ci's voice was still gentle and caring, just like how it usually was. He was checking on Yezun on the phone before he hung up and went to meet Mr Shen Bai. When he arrived at the big Mansion it was almost dinner. However nothing was set on the table. Lan Yi was absent with her son. Shen Wei and his wife probably decided to eat upstairs. Only his friend was in the living room reading a book and refused to eat.

"Where are the others?" Xin Ci wasn't happy to see the man all on his own that the mood felt somehow lonely and gloomy. Soon Shen Bai lift his head and welcomed him with a smile, the man's sudden guilt diminished a bit. Seeing him with a good spirit was Xin Ci's only solace. Ordering his attorney to sit, Shen Bai's voice trailed off. He scrunched his face because he knew he really shouldn't be asking this question. However, curiosity kept throbbing,

"Are you serious about Yezun?" Xin Ci's pretty smile suddenly disappeared when he realized what he was suddenly asked. The pretty angelic face of Yezun flashed through his mind, and he was suddenly reminded of the hot night of their passionate lovemaking. He grew flushed and panicked. Xin Ci never showed this unique side of him to anyone being deeply in love and embarrassed.

"You don't have to answer, I get it already" Shen Bai avoided to look at his attorney and looked back into his book. He was reading something. He didn't ask about matters related to work nor about the inheritance he had given to Yunlan but was more focused on Xin Ci's relationship with Yezun. He was surprised as it never crossed his mind, Xin Ci could be gay and into one of the twin brothers.

"Here, a copy of the new will, right now you own nothing. Are you okay with that?" He tried to pretend the behavior of his friend hadn't taken him aback, that hearing his question hadn't rattled him. He pulled an envelope from his briefcase and placed it on the couch next to the man. Shen Bai put his book down and glanced at the envelope with narrow eyes. He is now relieved that everything was going as planned.

"Well done! By the way, Yunlan and Zhu Hong will be engaged on her birthday next week. I hope you don't mind" Shen Bai placed his hand on his friend's shoulder to comfort him. Xin Ci though looked uneasy, he didn't seem to accept the sudden news without being consulted on such a matter. He kept silent only for a moment. However, Shen bai could still notice that the man calmly smiled at him through the panic inside him.

"I am sorry, I can't accept that. We both know what kind of feelings Yunlan holds for Shen Wei. It is impossible to let Wang's scenario repeat itself with my only daughter"  Shen Bai seemed to focus on the figure that just appeared behind Xin Ci. He then got up and apologized to leave, giving both father and daughter the space they need to speak in private. Xin Ci could smell her spectacular perfume. He knew she was there and probably heard his confession.

"My barby!" He looked at her eyes welled with tears again. Every time she looked at him, she felt more upset and sad. The mix of the awful present and the joyful past was a jumble of emotions that Hong couldn't quite parse. She wanted her old father back, she didn't seem to accept this new personality of him nor his queer choices in choosing men over a women. Lan Yi was a better choice as she believed for her father. When she thought of him being with a man who was her friend. She felt like throwing up.

"So what? I know his heart is already taken. You were in love with Lan Yi but look how your heart has changed. I believe I will make him love me too..... And......" Xin refused to accept because the situation was totally different. He immediately interrupted her before she could finish her words.   

"That's different. I don't want you to be hurt my little angel, I know that Yunlan's heart won't ever change, believe me!" Xin Ci closed the distance and held her hands tightly. He didn't want her to feel sad or broken over things that won't be changing at all. He knew better the bond the two men had that no power in this planet could break or change it. It's true they are not yet together but Yunlan's heart is obvious and can be easily understood that Shen Wei Comes always first.

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