4 - Insomnia

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⚠️TW: Insomnia, possible anxiety and suicide mention

RHM woke up at around 10 AM.
He was quite suprised about that, since he usually doesn't sleep that late. But he got even more suprised of the fact that Reginald was already up.

"Reginald, how are you?" He says as he walks into the living room still feeling sleepy. He was at the computer, typing/working on something. He didn't know how long he had been there.
"Reginald, what are you doing?"
He tried to ignore his voice.
"Reg.. What are you doing..?"
As Reginald didn't answer him, the turned his chair around, only to notice the bags under his eyes..

He hasn't slept?!

Reginald tried to hide his face so RHM wouldn't notice his eyebags, but it was too late.
"Reginald.. You.. Haven't slept?"
Reginald shred a few tears.
"I.. I'm so sorry. I just couldn't sleep since.."
RHM began to hold his both hands and looks straight into his eyes.
"Reginald.. You are making me worried.." RHM also shreds a tear, as he isn't really used to making eye contact.
"RHM.. Please.. Don't cry... I.."
Reginald stands up from the chair, runs into the bedroom and locks himself up there.
"Reginald.." RHM says, and proceeds to sit down on the couch.

I hope he's alright..
Maybe I'll give him a bit of his own space. I'll prepare some food and invite him to eat.

He reaches to the frigde, and proceeds to make some pancakes for Reg and himself.

I hope I will be able to make you feel happier. That's the only thing I want to accomplish right now.


"Reginald..? Wanna eat something?"
No response.
Still, no response.
He slowly begins to cry thinking about the possibilities of what could've happened...
"Reginald!!" He screams out and proceeds to hit the door with no response..
With the thoughts filling RHM's mind, he knocks the door down by a powerful kick, only to see Reginald lying down on the floor.

He drops the pancake plate down because of the shock. The plate shatteres in the floor to multiple pieces, with RHM slowly beginning to sob even thought he knew he was alive.

It just hurts to see your best friend suffering like that.

RHM reaches out to Reginald's body.
"He's still warm.. So he's not dead.. Heh."
He proceeds to pick him up and place him to the bed, and give him some cuddles. He almost falls asleep until Reggie wakes up.
"Ufg.. What happened?" He mumbled.
"Reginald! I almost thought I lost you, man. Almost." RHM said in complete relief.
Of course, Reginald is confused, so RHM proceeded to tell him what happened..
"Reginald, I uh.. Did some pancakes for you, but if you can see.. The plate.. Broke.." He says.
"It's alright," Reg says and yawns. "I can help you make m-"
RHM hits him gently in the stomach.
"No. You need to rest."
"But it's my fault s-" Reg said in self-defense.
"NO ITS NOT. Now, you need to get rest before you pass out again. I'll deliver the pancakes to you when they're done, okay?"

And, RHM proceeds to make pancakes, again. After he was done, he put a little heart on top of Reggie's pancakes, made out of whipped cream. "I hope he likes that."
They both eat their pancakes in the bed, and then they both go to take a little nap. As of RHM, he gets closer to Reginald to try to make sure he doesn't have nightmares again.

But will the nightmares become a reality..?
Word Count: 600
(probably going to add art here)

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