Chapter 2

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TW:// Murder, killing, death, choking. (not all of these are mentioned in the chapter but I gave a warning just in case.)


"Hope you boys had a good free time till now." The chief said as soon as the boys came.

"We sure did." Mark said smiling.

"On that note, now it's time for you to get back to work and solve some new cases." The chief said to which they nodded.

"This time you will be working differently." The chief continued.

"Mark, you will helping officer Wu's case. You can go to his work station for details." The chief said to which he nodded and left.

"Junhui, here is your case. We just got a call few minutes ago that someone was murdered at XXX-XXX-XXXXX place. Her name is Song Yuqi. You can go to her place for investigation. We got the team ready for you." The chief said and then Jun left with his team.

As Jun reached the crime scene, he saw a guy who looked like he just cried. Dry tears evident on his face.

"Hello Sir." He shook hands with Jun.

"Hello. Are you the one who called us?" Jun asked.

"Yes. I am Jackson Wang. I am Yuqi's cousin. I came to visit her today and when I reached, the door was open and when I entered, I saw her d-dead on the floor." Jackson explained.

"Do you know anyone who could be suspicious?" Jun asked.

"No. I don't know much about her relationships with other people. But out of the ones I know, I don't think there is any suspicion. She n-never told me anything about her problems." Jackson replied. Jun nod his head to Jackson's response.

"Stay here." Jun said and went inside where his team was.

"Any clues?" Jun asked as he reached to his team near the dead body.

"We found this chain." One of his team members gave him the chain. It was a simple silver chain with an 8 on it.

Jun then went near to Jackson to investigate about the chain.

"Do you know this chain?" Jun asked.

"Yeah. It's her best friend's chain." Jackson said.


"Xu Minghao. He is known more as The8. That is why this chain has an 8 on it. Yuqi and him are really close. Since middle school." Jackson explained.

"Do you know where he lives?" Jun asked.

"I don't know where he li-" Jackson was cut off by someone's presence.

"Yuqi?" He called. Jun raised an eyebrow after both Jackson and Jun turned around to face the person who called.

"What happened?" That guy asked.

"Who are you?" Jun asked.

"I'm Lucas. Yuqi's friend." Lucas answered.

"Do you know him?" Jun asked Jackson to get a conformation. Jackson nodded his head.

"What happened here?" Lucas asked. Nervousness evident in his voice.

"I'm sorry Lucas.. Yuqi is dead." Jun said. Lucas' mind stopped for a second. He lost his balance and was about to fall down but Jun and Jackson caught him before he could.

"P-p-please d-don't t-te.." Lucas was not able to make words due to the sudden information and tears; Jun motioned him to sit at a bench while Jackson handed him a bottle of water to drink and calm down.

After couple moments Jun spoke..

"Look Lucas, We could not bring back the past but you can help us by finding the culprit. So please, you need to cooperate with us.." Jun talked to him slowly. Lucas could not only mumble a yes as he just started to process the hard reality.

"Now tell me, do you know Xu Minghao?" Jun asked.

"Y-yes. Me, him and her and great friends. They both were friends longer than I was with them but I could still answer questions about him." Lucas said.

"Great. Now we found this chain near her body. Do you have an idea why this would have been there?" Jun asked, keeping the same tone.

"If you are implying that Minghao killed Yuqi, then you are wrong. Minghao is not even here now. He went to the states 2 days ago to meet his friend Joshua." Lucas said. Jun gave him another nod.

"Was everything between Yuqi and Minghao going fine before he left?" Jun asked.

"Actually not. Minghao and Yuqi got into a fight the day before he left to the States. Yuqi never told me the reason why but one thing she told is Minghao yelled at her pretty hard." Lucas said to which Jackson gasped in shock.

"So there is a chance that Minghao is the culprit." Junhui said to himself but Lucas heard it.

"No because that chain you found is really close to Minghao's heart. He would never let anyone touch it and I remember how crazy he went when he thought he lost that chain. He basically broke down. He wouldn't have went to the states without noticing that he lost his chain." Lucas tried to defend Minghao. Jun processed the information that Lucas gave.

"Do you know when Minghao is coming back?" Jun asked.

"When he went he said he is going to come back in one week. So now I guess 5 days from now." Lucas said.

"And do you think Joshua has something to do with this case?" Jun asked.

"I certainly don't think so. None of us talked to him. We just hear his name a few times from Minghao's mouth." Lucas said.

"Ok.. Where does Minghao live?" Jun asked and Lucas gave him the address.

After some time, Jun's team finished investigating the crime scene aka Yuqi's house and they were ready to head on to their respective places. Some to the forensic lab and some to Minghao's house to continue more investigation.

Before driving back to their respective places, Jun went to Lucas and Jackson.

"I'm really sorry for your loss. We will try our best to find the culprit as soon as possible." Jun said. The other two men could not do anything but nod their heads and just as Jun was about to leave, Lucas stopped him and ruffled through his pockets.

"Sir, here is Minghao's key to his home. Me and Yuqi have duplicates because he gave us." Lucas gave him the duplicate key from his pockets.

"Oh, you just made my life 4 times more easier. Thanks Lucas." Jun said and they bid their farewells.

Jun was on his way to find Minghao's life.


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