Chapter 6

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TW:// Murder, killing, death, choking. (not all of these are mentioned in the chapter but I gave a warning just in case.)


@/ The Interrogation Room:

"Look, you said you are innocent and I need your chain to prove the point." Jun said.

"Why do I need my chain when I know who the culprit is?" Minghao questioned.

"What? You know who killed Yuqi?" Jun asked.

"Yeah, not only her. I know who killed Shuh- oh! You know her as ChangXiao right.." Minghao said.. again never leaving his cockiness at all.

"Yeah, everyone knows it was Lay who killed her." Jun stated the obvious.

"Well, that is what the world knows." Minghao said.

"And we are in this world too." Jun said giving the same attitude that Minghao was giving to him.

"Oh sir... don't be so ridiculous.." Minghao was purposely dragging this topic just because he want to have fun.

"The one being ridiculous here is you. Just tell me who killed Yuqi!" Jun said as he banged his fist on the table because this Minghao guy is not co-operating with him.

"Well since you are this curious.." Minghao then leaned front and then said.. "You."

"What the actual hell? Don't just spit nonsense!" Jun raised his voice and stood up, giving his best glare to Minghao, but still Minghao did not flinch or never left his cockiness that he had from the start.

"How is it nonsense when I have the evidence that you bribed the policemen at the jail that Lay was in for entering after visiting hours and then killed him and made it seem like it was a suicide?" Minghao asked, A VERY cocky smirk plastered on his face.

Jun's sweat droplets started increasing as Minghao was saying every word that he did so secretly without anyone knowing. He was working as a police so he knew every thing that a criminal leaves out so he took everything into a consideration before planning everything.

"Suprised right?" Minghao asked.

'Calm down. You can do this. Just bribe him with something.' Jun's inner voice said to him to which he listened and sat down back on his chair.

"How do you know?" Jun asked with a serious face.

"I just know..." Minghao started.

"I just know how you killed Shuhua because she was taking much of your 'quality' time with your Tuan and the psychopath in you just jumped out to kill her. You realized Yuqi knew about you that day and so you got scared if she will reveal about you, and there you go.. you k-killed my bestfriend Yuqi as well. " Minghao continued. Showing the pure hatred towards Jun on his face.

"She knew... she knew that you were coming to her.. she was very scared that you were going to do something to her, and she e-even told me.. she even told me but I thought you were done with any matter related to Shuhua because you got framed Lay into this. I know.. I know I'm such a bad friend.. What did I do huh? Instead of being with her, I just gave her a copy of my materialistic 8 chain..." Minghao said, remembering the time he argued with Yuqi and coincidentally being the last time he saw Yuqi.

"But, *scoffs* I have to say that you are pretty smart. You perfectly trapped Lay who has nothing to do with Shuhua and made it seem like he actually had a motive to do it. Kudos to you. I mean, you are a police so you know how it works. But the way you made Lay's murder seem like a suicide... Wow! I just became your biggest fan Mr. Wen Junhui...." Minghao

To say Jun was terrified was an understatement, he made sure he did not miss a single thing from the time he planned the murder till the execution. He just could not get the fact that he had missed Minghao.

'Look, he is enjoying your nervousness.. Like a told you before, JUST. BRIBE. HIM. WITH. SOMETHING.' Junhui's inner voice said to him.

"Wow! Great job Minghao.. you are one of a kind to know my hidden side..." Jun stated cockily, just to cover up his nervousness.

"And since you are my one and only biggest fan in here.. Imma give you an offer. What do you say Mr. Xu?" Jun asked.

"Depends upon what your offer is.." Minghao replied with the same attitude.

"You are the top suspect in this case. What I can do is I could frame someone else into this mess and can easily get you out of this case and you will be clear. The only ting you have to is keep this secret with you." Jun placed the deal.

Minghao thought for a moment, before closing his eyes and let out a big sigh.

"Deal." Minghao stated.


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