Chapter 3

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It did not take long to get to Minghao's house as it was not far away from Yuqi's house. Thanks to Lucas, they entered the house without destroying anything.

Minghao's house looked simple. It was not big but it was not that small either. Just enough for a single person.

Everything in his house was neat. Bed is all tidied up, Dishes in the kitchen were set properly, everything was set like a normal house would have been set.

Jun and a couple others who came with Jun started breaking up and searching in different places. They were looking up every corner of the house to find evidence. Both of the lower ranked officers went up to Junhui to report that they have not found something that is not suspicious.

"Sir we have not found anything." Both of them chorused as they saw Jun in the bedroom.

"Of course you will not find anything when all of his history is found in this bedroom." Jun stated whilst holding Minghao's diary in his hands.

Minghao's bedroom really told his life story. He had video recorders that recorded fun times with him and his friends and his family. Photos that were stuck to his wall which captured beautiful moments in his life. Sketchbooks that showed his interest in drawing. Albums and CDs of his favorite singers that showed his musical interest in different genres. However, the most notable thing rather things are his diaries. He must have been doing this for long time as Jun found 3 diaries that dated back to long time.

Jun only focused on the recent one. Jun had no time to read it from the start. No one has. His last entry was 3 days ago. The day Yuqi and Minghao fought. It did not have much but a poem

I was left diminished
When your light went out
It left a shadow on my soul
And my heart was left
As an empty vessel
By your absence

"Someone left him." That is what Jun concluded.

"I think that the person that left him and Yuqi had a relation with each other. It is even possible that Yuqi might have been the reason why that person left Minghao." One of his junior officers claimed.

"Is that someone dead or just left him?" The other officer questioned.

"That we don't know yet. Anything could be true." Jun said.

Jun went back pages to get an idea of what was happening in Minghao's life.

Dear Diary,

I can not believe that she is still asking me to give her some space. I have already gave her so much. More than 3 months. Does she not love me anymore?

This was a couple months ago. Then he started to read more pages after that entry.

Dear Diary,

You already sensed it right, she does not want to be with me anymore. Apparently, I cheated. I cheated?! You know me, how could I even think of cheating when I love her so much... She was murmuring some gibberish words which did not even make any sense. I tried talking to her, I wanted her to calm down, I tried to calm her down, but she did could not. And at last... I gave up.

"This sounds like a typical love story..." one of the junior officers commented.

"With a tragic ending..." The other completed.

Jun on the other hand was not talking anything. He was analyzing this case since he got interested in it.

Jun went to the next few pages just to see those are torn.

"What the heck?" Jun commented.

"Why are these pages torn?" One of the junior officers commented. Exactly spitting out Junhui's thoughts.

Jun nonetheless, decided to read further more to get clues to see what happened in those torn pages of Minghao's diary but nothing informational was found. It was just like another normal diary. Just talking about what happened in his day. Those did not help either because there was no trace of his ex-girlfriend. It was just ranting about his history teacher who does not even close her mouth for a minute and/or how is so good at his dance class that he was given a chance to compete against other well-known colleges.

"So, he moved on...?" The other junior officer questioned.

"That is what I have been thinking too. He seemed like he really loved her. I though he would still be crying over her." Jun commented.

"Search for more in this room, we might know more." Jun commanded and the three started finding for some evidence regarding this girl.

They searched each and every place of the room more than at least 2 times to make sure that they are not leaving anything. However, they did not find a single evidence regarding this Minghao's ex-girlfriend. They found it really weird because the diaries showed how much he love his ex-girlfriend but there was no trace of her in his room.

"This Minghao guy is getting weirder and weirder each minute." Jun stated.

"This might sound kind of cliché but what if he either threw away or burned all of his moments that he and her shared with each other?" One of the officers stated.

"That is a possibility because that is what I did too." The other states.

"Did you guys take Lucas' number before you guys left the crime scene?" Jun asked.

"Yes sir we did." One of them stated.

"Good. Get him to the station. Take the evidence that we need from this place and let's leave." Jun commanded while he went to their jeep to get a drink if water.

Lucas is the only source to answer Jun's questions now.


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