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Love as I have experienced it is like a hole. U don't want to fall into it but if u do u can't change it. It was like a free fall, you are scared of the future yet enjoying the moment. U just want to stop time and float around for infinity. It's like once you have fallen u have fallen and nothing can change it. U lie down in the end, finally fallen so deep that u can't climb out. The hole consumes you. First the fall hurts, u question why did you ever even come around the hole, then u try to find a way out. After confusion, anger, sadness, terror u come to a conclusion to wait and go along with time to help you. Because of this u get into an oblivion of peace. But soon even the peace is too much and u need help. U scream till someone pulls u out just to realise the safe feel inside.

But even after all this you don't forget anything do you?

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