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Peter: Ready for school?

You: Of course. Hopefully, today is better

Peter: It probably won't be

Bucky: Bye kiddos! Have a good day

You: Thanks Uncle Buck

Peter: See ya later!

You and Peter get far enough away from the compound before you grab his hand

Peter: It's fun being a secret

You: Really?

Peter: Mhm, the sneaking around is great

You: Oh Peter...

He kissed your hand before letting it go

Peter: Ready?

You: Yeah

Ned: Hey guys!

MJ: Morning

You: Good morning MJ

Peter: Hey Ned

Ned: So, are you guys going on the trip?

You: What trip?

MJ: The science trip to Italy!

You: Oh...uh, I don't know yet

MJ: That's okay, I'll help you decide. What about you Peter?

Peter: Yeah, May just has to sign the slip

Ned: Looks like we have to convince y/n

You: In my defense, I don't know what you're talking about

You all laugh. You were glad things weren't weird between MJ and Peter

Ned: Ready for class Peter?

Peter: Yeah, come on y/n

You: See you need period MJ!

MJ: Bye guys

Ned: So, y/n

You: Yeah?

Ned: You should come to Italy

You: I would love to. I just have to talk to my Uncle about it

Ned: Your Uncle?

You: Yeah, my dad's on a business trip for a couple of months

Ned: Oh...so, are you rich or something?

You: No, we're okay. We get by

You weren't lying, your parents really did just get by since they both worked for the SSR. Before you knew it, it was time for lunch

MJ: Over here guys!

You: Hey!

Peter: Are you buying lunch?

You: No, I brought it. Buck made it for me

Peter: Okay, Ned, and I will be right there!

You: Okay!

You sit down across from MJ

MJ: So...

You: What?

MJ: You and Peter?

You: Umm no, good try

MJ: Come on, I do have eyes

You: Okay, maybe I like him

MJ: I knew it!

You: But he just broke up with you, so I'm going to give it some time

MJ: Please don't

You: Why not?

MJ: You two would be the cutest couple

You: You think?

MJ: Oh yeah. He's got eyes for you too

You: I don't know...

MJ: Y/n, I promise he likes you, and you like him

You: So, what if he wants to date me after I tell him?

MJ: Say yes

You: You won't hate me or not want to be my friend?

MJ: Absolutely not! Peter and I are much better friends. Dating was awkward for us

You: Oh...I was so scared you might hate me

MJ: You're way too sweet to hate y/n

You: Thanks MJ

She gives you a smile and the boys come back. Peter sits next to you and Ned's next to MJ

You: Peter, that looks gross

Peter: It's school lunch

You: I'm never eating that, and I used to eat dad's food

Peter: Dude...

Ned: Dad's food?

You: ...My dad brought back a ton of gross food from when he fought in the war

MJ: War food is gross, but it's better than that

Peter: Well, May just gives me money

Ned: Maybe y/n should make it for you. Her lunch looks amazing!

You: My Uncle made it actually

You laugh a little and finish up your day

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