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You follow Tony inside. You're so nervous, but you really don't know why

Nat: Steve!

Steve: Nat!

Nat: Who's this?

Steve: My daughter, y/n

You: Hi

Nat: It's nice to meet you

You: You too

Nat: Why are you here?

Steve: To drop y/n and Bucky off

Tony: HYDRA kidnapped y/n

Bucky: And I got her out and back home

Nat: Poor thing

You: I'm okay, really

Peter: Mr. Stark, I need your—Hey

Tony: What's up Peter?

Peter: I needed your help

Tony: How about later?

Peter: Yeah, that's fine

Tony: Can you show y/n to her room?

Peter: Is it the one next to mine?

Tony: Yeah

Peter: Okay, come on y/n

You grab your bag and Peter shows you to an empty room. It reminded you of the cell  HYDRA made you stay in

Peter: I'm Peter by the way

You: I'm y/n

Peter: So, why are you here?

You: To keep me away from HYDRA. I don't know if that's still a thing or not

Peter: I don't think it is, but I don't know for sure

You: Well, either way, I'm told that I'm safer here

Peter: So, since you're Cap's daughter, do you have powers?

You: I have a normal mom

Peter: Oh, sorry

You: It's fine, but I do

Peter: What?

You: HYDRA experimented on me, to get to my dad. In the process, I developed powers, but I really want to forget about them

Peter: Can I ask why?

You: They were horrible to me, and I don't have any control, so if I forget I can't hurt anyone

Peter: That's fair

Steve: Hey, can I talk to her Peter?

Peter: Of course

Peter smiles at you before he leaves, and you just run to Steve

Steve: What's wrong?

You: This room

Steve: I'm lost

You: It looks exactly like the HYDRA cell

You start crying reliving all the horrible memories

Steve: Well, I see it as a blank canvas to make the room what you want

You: You do?

Steve: Yes. I can have Aunt Nat help you find stuff

You: Like go shopping?

Steve: Yes. Then it won't be anything like the cell

You: Thanks dad

You walk downstairs with your dad

Bucky: Hey kiddo

You: Hey Uncle Bucky

Tony: You okay kid? You look upset

Steve: She just needs to dress up her room

Nat: Can I please take her!?

You: Yeah, we were going to ask you anyway

Nat: I'll get Wanda and Pepper too!

You: Who are they?

Steve: Wanda is Nat's best friend, and a HYDRA experiment as well

Tony: Pepper is my wife and CEO of Stark Industries

You: Cool

Steve: And I have to head back, okay?

You: Yeah...

Steve: Mom and I will be here soon

You: I'll miss you

Steve: I know. I'll miss you too, but you're in good hands, I promise

He wraps you in a huge bear hug and kisses your head

Steve: Don't do anything stupid until I get back

You: How can I? You're taking all the stupid with you

Steve: I love you, baby girl

You: I love you too dad

Nat: Alright, let's go shopping!

Steve: Do you need money, Nat?

Pepper: No, Stark Industries will be donating her a brand-new room

Steve: Thank you so much

You smile at your dad, knowing he'd be back, and Nat pulls you out to the car

The Captain's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now