t w e n t y - t w o

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You: Hi Peter

Peter: Hey, how was school without me?

You: Hard

You climb up next to him and bury your head into his chest almost in tears

Peter: What happened bubs?

You: Flash happened

Peter: What'd he do this time?

You: He keeps saying I'm cheating on you since you're not in school

Peter: You're not though, right?

You: I'm not, but you're not there making it look true

Peter: It's okay. Mr. Stark said tomorrow

You: Really!?

Peter: Yeah. I have to go slow, but yes

You: Finally

He wraps you in a hug, and it's the best feeling in the world

You: I brought your homework

Peter: Aww thanks

You: It's nothing

Peter: Now, I won't be too far behind

You: The recent stuff is confusing, just heads up

Peter: If you're confused it must not be too bad

You: Hey!

You both laugh

Steve: Hey you two

You: Hi dad

Peter: Hey Steve

Steve: How was school?

You: Eh, it was school

Steve: Alright. Tony has a surprise for you two

You: Okay. We'll be there soon

Steve: Take your time

Steve leaves and you get up putting your hands out to Peter

You: Let me help

Peter: Okay, but just know I'm really slow

You: That's okay. I want to help Spider-man get back out there

You and Peter slowly head down to the living room. There are two guys there neither you nor Peter have seen before

Peter: You needed us, Mr. Stark

Tony: Yes, I'd like you to meet Thor and Loki

You: Where are they from?

Loki: Asgard dear

As Loki spoke Peter flinched and held your hand tighter causing you to ask a ton of questions

You: When did you get here?

Thor: 2 or 3 days ago

You: Well, is it 2 or is it 3?

Loki: It's 3 dear

You: Stop calling me dear, even my own father doesn't call me that

Steve: I don't

Thor: You have a daughter!?

Steve: Yes, I do. Her name's y/n and she's right there with Peter

Loki: How are you, Peter?

Peter: I-I'm o-okay

Tony: Peter?

Peter: W-what?

Steve: Breathe kid

Peter: Y-y/n

You: Come with me. Dad, come on I need your help

You helped Peter into another room, and your dad helped him breathe normally

Steve: Peter?

Peter: S-Steve

Steve: What's going on?

Peter: Th-that's h-him

Steve: What?

Peter: I-I recognize h-his voice

You: I'm going to kill him—

Peter: It's no use...My powers didn't work on him

Steve: What?

Peter: I can sense danger, and I didn't sense him...

You: Yup...he's dead

You walk out before anyone can stop you. You walk right up in Loki's face

You: You did that to him, didn't you!?

Tony: Woah, kid—

You: No, he did

Thor: Loki?

Loki: Well, the girl figured me out

You: How could you, he's a kid!

Loki: So are you

You: I might look like one, sure whatever helps you sleep at night

Thor: What did you do brother?

Peter: On my way to school, he knocked me out, tied me to a chair, beat me, cut every part of my body he could, and left me barely conscious

Everyone stares in shock


hey guys! I've been super busy trying to enjoy my summer while starting a new job! I also wanted to take a little bit of a break from writing, but I am back now and I can't wait to hear what you guys have to say about my story!

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