23 | Stay With Me

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Elijah Blackwood

She loves me.

Warmth flooded my skin at the confirmation of what every part of me had longed to be true since I'd met her. Her shoulders relaxed into my chest when I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into me, kissing the top of her head. I was really glad she couldn't see what was surely a goofy grin spreading across my face.

The ticking on the clock and the slow movement of Lottie's shoulders kept the time as we sat on the edge of the bed.


"Hmm?" came her groggy reply.

"I was just going to ask..." I paused, waiting for her response. "Are you tired? Do you want to go to sleep?"

She turned her cheek into my chest and nodded. "Mmm hmm."

"Okay, let's get you under the covers."

Lottie pushed herself up off the bed and wobbled slightly, sitting back down. "I think the room is spinning a little."

"The doctor mentioned that might happen for a couple days. Do you want me to help you?"

Her nod was small as she let me put her arm around my shoulder and pull her upright.

"Can you wait a second? I feel like I might be sick." Lottie's eyes were closed and her free hand pressed into her temples.

All I wanted to do was make it better. But there was nothing I could do except what I already was. "Are you alright if I hold you with just one arm? I can get the blankets and pillows set up enough for you to sleep, I think."

"I think so. Try it. I just want to sleep."

It was hard work holding Lottie upright while moving the pillows and blankets into place. I tried not to jostle her too much but her couple well-masked winces made it abundantly clear I was failing. Typical Lottie, not telling me something was hurting her.

"Okay. I think that's good enough. Let's get you into bed shall we?"

She didn't make a sound as I lowered her into the bed and guided her head toward the pillow. Once she was safely laying down, I lifted her legs and pulled the blanket up to cover her.

"That good? You comfortable?"

"Mm hmm."

"Okay. I'll be back to check on you in a couple hours."

Though her eyes were closed I could tell she was glaring at me.

"Doctor's orders, remember?"

When she didn't answer, I reached over and turned out the light next to the bed. "Goodnight, Lottie," I whispered, kissing her forehead.

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