6 | Walking Around the Christmas Tree

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Charlotte Hastings

I pulled my mittens up over my wrists and hopped out of Eli's truck, my feet landing in the soft powdery snow. It was as if I had stepped into a world that only existed in dreams. The snow lying on the tree branches glistened as the warm white lights tried to peek through the daylight. Colors of red and green littered the farm, along with little wooden reindeer, creating the perfect scene of Christmas. Not to mention the intoxicating smell of evergreen trees that lit up my senses.

My smile was briefly replaced by a frown as my childhood dreams danced around in my mind. It was hard to imagine what life would have been like if I had been born into the perfect family, but I liked to think we would have gone to a place like this where magic was only just around the river bend. Tears pooled in my eyes, making the twinkling lights blur into stars.

"Are you alright dear?" Jan wrapped her arm around my back. I hadn't even noticed her and her husband pull up beside us.

The dreams quickly faded as I snapped back to reality. Blinking away the tears I nodded, my eyes locking with Eli's as he emerged around the corner straightening the Santa hat on top of his head.

"Let's find a tree. Shall we?" His voice was filled with excitement as he reached up, another Santa hat in his hand. Eli placed in on my head, bending down to make sure it was on straight. He tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear before looking satisfied.

Eli's dad stepped forward and held out his hand. It seemed like a genuine gesture, despite his rough, messy appearance and large shadow that towered over me. "We haven't officially met yet, I'm Robert."

I shook his hand. "It's nice to meet you."

"Let's get this show on the road," Robert announced and started into the rows of trees.

"Why don't we split up? We'll cover more ground so we can find the perfect tree." Jan suggested, but I saw an ulterior motive in her eyes as she followed her husband. I even thought I saw her wink at Eli but I quickly shook my head of any thoughts of romance. There was no chance for us. He knew I was only going to be in town for a few days.

There were so many trees to pick from. Each one unique, like a snowflake. "So uh- how do we do this?"

"It's simple really if you see a tree you like let me know and we'll take it home." He turned to face me, walking down the aisle backward. I chuckled before I realized he was serious.

"What? It's your family tree, I can't-"

He cut me off. "Yes, you can." Eli waited for me to catch up, so we were walking side by side before taking me by the shoulders and pointing me in the direction of the trees. "They're calling you." He held his hands up to his mouth. "Lottie! Lottie! Pick me!"

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