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"Hey, Beca is back," Chicago said when she walked into her English class accompanied by Jesse.

She had her earphones in listening to music, but she still heard him. However, she was numb from yesterday's events so whatever Chicago said didn't bother her at all. She didn't even look up at Chloe like she normally does.

"Hey, I was talking to you," Chicago said standing up from leaning on one of the desks in order to walk over to her.

"She has earphones in, Chicago," Chloe said softly. "She can't hear you."

Beca took her seat, sitting her phone on the desk and pulled out her English notebook from her bag when Chicago grabbed her phone off her desk. She turned to face him and pulled out an earphone.

"Give me my phone," she said staring him down.

The teenage boy just smirked and leaned close to her face, getting in her bubble which she wasn't a fan of. "Make me."

Beca was tempted. She wanted nothing more than to wipe that damn smirk off his face. She could hurt him; it's not something she isn't capable of. Sometimes she thinks the school just tests her to see if she'll truly snap. What would happen if she did? She could snap Chicago's neck like a twig. She could just...

"Pussy," Chicago laughed and Beca was brought back to reality.

"You smell horrible," she stated and Chicago stepped back, embarrassed meanwhile the rest of the class just laughed.

"You smell like..." he tried to find something, anything to insult her with, but it didn't work.

All of a sudden Bumper, one of Chicago's friends, smells Beca causing the 16 year old to look at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"She smells fantastic dude," he stated and Beca just stared at him.

"You smell bad too," she replied as she looked between the two. "It's probably all the shit that comes out of your mouth."

The class ooh'ed and the two boys glared at Beca who just grabbed her phone from Chicago and put her earphone back in her ear.

Bumper just sulked back to his desk but Chicago himself had a bruised ego that he wasn't about to leave alone. Before anyone knew it, Chicago had grabbed Beca's bag and turned it upside down. Everyone immediately got quiet, waiting to see what Beca would do. However, the woman just sighed and got out of her chair to bend down on her knees and collect all her belongings that fell out.

Miss. Weinstein walked in and Beca stayed quiet for the rest of class, ignoring whatever Chicago tried doing to elicit some sort of reaction from her. It clearly made him mad when she went on as if she wasn't bothered by it (she genuinely wasn't. At least not today).

Her other classes went just like the first. She stayed silent and kept her head down, doodling on her notes instead of actually paying attention. At lunch time, she didn't even sit with her friends, instead heading outside where she was followed by Stacie and Jesse. Amelia, however, stayed at the table and when asked about Beca, she just shrugged her shoulders. Chloe tried talking to Beca toward the end of lunch, Beca just walking fasted to get away from the redhead, and she also tried talking to her after school, but the brunette still had her earphones in and kept her head down as she made her way over to her car.

"What's wrong with her?" Aubrey asked her best friend who just shook her head and watched as Beca pulled out of her parking spot and sped away, the car disappearing into the distance.

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