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Beca's chest was heaving up and down as she wiped the tears from her eyes. She had yet another nightmare and was trying to stay as quiet as she could. No matter her efforts, Chloe still woke up, turning around to wrap her arms around the younger woman.

"Beca, sweetie, talk to me," Chloe said gently as she pulled Beca to her chest and held her tightly. She felt Beca's body shaking and it broke her heart. "You can cry," Chloe added and Beca let out a loud cry.

Chloe had unwrapped her arms so she could turn Beca toward her which was easier said than done. The brunette had wrapped herself up tightly and her girlfriend watched her face, clenched up in pain and fear and Chloe just pulled her even closer and rubbed her back, showing Beca that she wasn't alone and was okay.

it felt like forever before Beca finally calmed down, Chloe noticing Beca's hand squeezing her shirt. They laid there in silence the only noise coming from Beca's sniffles.

"You should sleep," Beca said after she was able to speak. Her voice was low and raspy from all the crying. Beca should have known better that Chloe wouldn't listen though. She would never accept just simply falling asleep whenever Beca was hurting. Chloe was stubborn like that but it's a stubbornness Beca loved. Chloe cared a lot but sometimes Beca was stubborn herself and wouldn't let her in.

"No, not when you need someone," Chloe answered softly. "You should have woken me. I don't want you to face this alone. Not anymore. I want to be here for you when you need it. Please let me help."

"I don't like bothering you. Or anyone else for that matter. These nightmares are terrifying and you'd think with as many times as I've had them that they wouldn't scare me anymore but they do. I just don't understand why it's happening to me or why I'm even getting them in the first place."

Chloe frowned and pushed a strand of Beca's hair behind her ear before giving a kiss to her forehead. "I don't know either, but you're not alone. You don't have to face whatever this is alone. I got you. Plus you also have your friends, family. We all have your back. We don't understand what you're going through but we will all protect you the best we can."

"Thank you" Beca said almost inaudibly before moving into Chloe's chest more.

"You don't ever have to thank me," the redhead replied before she started to softly sing, Beca quickly falling back to sleep and Chloe soon after.

When Beca woke up hours later, she was practically on top of Chloe who stopped playing with her phone to look down at her.

"Good morning, sleepy head," Chloe smiled before kissing Beca's nose.

Beca smiled before burring her head into Chloe's neck. "Good morning. Thank you."

"I only did it because I wanted to wake up to you on top of me," the redhead joked and Beca looked back up at her with a glare before dropping back down to her neck. "I'm kidding, Bec."

"You're weird," Beca smiled and planted a soft kiss to her girlfriend's neck.

"I know," Chloe exhaled as she wrapped her arms around Beca. "What do you say we go and make some breakfast?"

"Can we just lay here for a few more minutes?" The 16 year old asked. "I like this."

Chloe smiled down and couldn't help but smile as Beca's arms wrapped around her the best she could. "Of course."

They stayed in bed for another two minutes before Chloe's bladder couldn't stand it anymore. She managed to untangle herself from Beca to use the bathroom. When she came back out, she saw Beca on her stomach fast asleep on her bed with her arm dangling over the bed. She couldn't help but look over Beca's features- her gorgeous face, toned arms and her back that looked better than anyone else's. In her opinion anyway. The blanket sat at her waistline and Chloe walked over to kiss Beca's shoulder.

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