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"This is your fault!" Beca yelled as she threw a tree at Amelia who easily dodged it.

Yes. A whole ass tree.

Beca was pissed off and she already has enough strength coursing through her veins from coming from a natural alpha family but that strength has doubled. She scared Chloe- no, she terrified Chloe a week ago and she refuses to even acknowledge the brunette's existence. She doesn't open her window no matter how many times Beca knocks, she doesn't pay attention to her in class, and she even switched seats with Benji who sat on the complete other end of the table just so she didn't have to deal with Beca's attempts at getting her to talk to her.

Chloe wasn't mad, but upset and scared. Yes, Beca was always cold to everybody- even her friends at some points, but she was never that way with Chloe so there was no reason for the redhead to see her as anything but a lovable, cuddly person who hid that side from the rest of the world because she had lost so much in her life. Beca has earned the right to be the way she is and Chloe knew that.

Beca, however, blamed Amelia for what happened. No matter what way she tried to look at it, the blame always came back to her sister. If she hadn't told a who class that Jace was gay (which he refuses to confirm or deny) then they all wouldn't have got in that stupid fight and Beca would have never of scared Chloe the way she did. It was all Amelia's fault and both women knew it; only one cared.

"How is it my fault you decided to go all Black Widow on his ass?" Amelia screamed back as she dodged several rocks headed her way.

The two sisters decided to go on an adventure with Stacie and Jesse very reluctantly and it ended up with both girls making snide comments before the other snapped. Jesse and Stacie were now sat on the side of a hill with their head in their hands as they patiently waited for their fight to be over with. They may be blood related and bonded through a pack, but they never got along. There was always something one of them had to say to piss the other off.

"You're the one who said he was gay!" Beca yelled before ducking behind a tree as Amelia through a large bolder at her.

"Uh hello? He is!" Amelia screamed back and Beca shook her head.

"You don't know that for sure! And even if he is, you have absolutely no right outing him like that!" Beca pointed out. "We all got into a fight in front of the whole school protecting your ass for your dumb ass mistake!"

Amelia scoffed. "First of all, there were maybe 15 kids left in the parking lot and no one fucking said you had to protect me!"

"You're my sister, Amelia!" Beca screamed. "I protect family! This whole pack is my family and I protect them no matter what!"

"Yeah, well look where that got you," Amelia stopped screaming and opted for a gentle shout instead seeing as they were about 100 yard away from each other. "No girlfriend, and no best friend. She can't even stand to look at you anymore because all she sees is a monster." Beca turned around and leaned her back against the thick tree, trying to calm her breathing down before she really lost it. "If she's that way now, what do you think she'll be like when she finds out just why you can do those things? How you can break a thick ass glass cup like a twig and with no scar? Or how you can punch a guy twice your size and him fall back all the way to the wall of lockers? What lie will you tell her then?"

Beca shook her head and let out a loud, deep growl that caused both Jesse and Stacie to sit up straight and looked over at the youngest of the three. Amelia, however, stepped back out of fear yet was quick to smirk as she watched Beca emerge from behind the tree, her eyes a bright golden yellow and her fangs out and perfectly sharp.

"Don't talk about Chloe!" She screamed before charging at the 15 year old so fast, the dirt and grass were ripped up right from the ground.

Jesse and Stacie jumped up and stood in the opening where they saw the two women collide before Amelia pushed Beca back with all her might.

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