I spent the following hour putting my things away, his eyes on me the whole time.

"Can I help you?" I snapped, facing away from Cade with a hoodie in my hand.

"Nope just enjoy the view." He responded. Dear god could he be any more of a fuckboy.

I rolled my eyes and continued hanging things in the small wardrobe that was at the foot of my bed.

"I have a question." I stated.

" I have an answer." He retorted

"Well two questions. One, when can I bring my cars here? And two, where can I meet some people that aren't fuckboy assholes?"

"Well you can bring your cars here as soon as someone can bring them, but you're allowed a maximum of two cars, and you can either go to the building's lounge on the first floor for people in this building or the library or mess hall, but this place is full of fuckboy assholes. I'd stay away from them if I were you."

"Damn if I should stay away from them looks like I need a new roommate."

"Ahhh it doesn't work like that sweetheart. You can't just get a new roommate. Again, you're stuck with me."

"Awesome." I responded sarcastically. "I'm going to the lounge."

With that I started walking away. Loud music played from different rooms as I walked, too loud to discern any words. Stupid boys.

At the end of the long flights of stairs, there was a large room filled with maybe a hundred boys, some laughing and joking around, others sitting alone eating or reading. I was the only girl.

One side of the room had a massive tv surrounded by three plush couches. In the middle of the massive room was a pool table and maybe 10 tables. Bean bags were everywhere along with throw blankets and loose chairs.

As soon as I took my seat at a table in the corner, three tall boys walked over. They were all at least 6ft tall, two had blond hair and one had curly black hair. Oh god it's begun.

"You're the new girl." The tallest of the three spoke with a goofy grin.

"The only girl in our building." The one to the right of him spoke.

" wow you guys must be reeaallyyy smart to guess all that" I stated, sarcasm dripping from my voice.

"Ouch that hurt." The curly haired one said, sitting down. The others followed his actions.

"Uhhh can I help you with anything?" I questioned

"We wanted to introduce ourselves. I'm Hayden, the one with dark hair is Nico, and the last one is Jake. " the one with the goofy smile spoke again.

"Good to know. I'm Luna." I said for the 50th time that day. " what are you guys here for?"

Almost immediately they all broke into a laughing grin.

"Well you see-" Jake spoke

"-we'll all knew each other before-" Nico cut him off

"- and we all thought it would be a good idea-"

"-to get really stoned and spray paint dicks all over our school." Jake finished

I broke into a grin " I respect that"

"Bros you hear that, the new one respects us."

"Hayden can we keep her???" Nico asked all excitedly like I was a new puppy.

"Oh of course. Her sarcasm will balance us out. Welcome to our friend group Luna."

"Do I just not get a say in this?" I asked

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