Chapter twenty-seven

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*y/n's pov*

I woke to the sound of people talking. I head into the bathroom and brush my teeth, I didn't even bother to change and stayed in my pjs "hey mom what'd you-" I stop to see all the boys in the living room just like old times.

I smile and stay there, more like in shock "are you ganna say hi or are you just going to stand there?" Nash said I laugh and hug each and everyone of them "hey guys! I thought you guys were touring?"

"well cam and I just got back from set" Nash says "Jack and Jack are still on tour" Cameron informs me "Sammy and skate get here tomorrow" Matt says, it's as if they all planned to talk and inform me about the boys.

*Jack's Pov*
y/n came home yesterday. does she still like me, like I like her. does she have a boyfriend? did she wait until we got to see each other, like I did to her.

I had so many thoughts and questions running through my head. I'm not going to lie I have dated a couple of girls these past four years but it wasn't the same.

I was actually dating someone, Nicole. I met her on tour and she's great but I miss y/n i don't know what I'm going to do when I see her. I fall in love with her more and more each day even without seeing her.

"hey, Jack" Johnson snaps me out of thought "yeah?" right! we have a show "show time" he says getting out of the tour bus "going" I say getting up and head out the door.

*y/n's pov*
after the boys had left, I ate breakfast. haha no just kidding I ate when they were there because I was starving.

but when they did leave I headed upstairs to unpack, which took me longer than I expected.

I changed into a pair of black pants, a cute comfy sweater and combat boots with a side braid. I wanted to text Jack but I didn't want to at the same time.

what if he has a girlfriend. wait does he? did he get over me? because I still like him-I mean I like Christopher but Jack will always have a special place in my heart.

speaking of Christopher I had a missed call from him. he called me when I was with the boys but I didn't want to answer it. hence the fact that they still don't know who Christopher is. I called him back.

-phone call-
Chris: hey babe I miss you already
me: hey, I miss you too!
Chris: guess what?
me: what?
Chris: I'm booking a flight to Omaha, Nebraska tomorrow!
wait, wait hold up. what.
me: that's great
Chris: yeah, I can't wait to see you but hey I have to go talk to you later?
me: me too and oh ok yeah bye

well that escalated quickly. It's not that I didn't want him to come it's just that I haven't told anyone about him and so I guess now I do. Probably should start off with my mom. plus it's only been like two days.

"mom!" I call out to her "yeah?" she says popping her head in through my door "I meet someone in Connecticut and um..he's coming tomorrow" I say avoiding eye contact with her.

she huffs and she comes sit down next to me before she says anything I speak up "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about him it's just he called me saying he was coming and-" she cut me off.

I just notice people cut me off a lot.

"that's great" she says smiling "really" phew! that's a relief "yes" I smile at her and give her a hug "you're the best" I tell her before she exits my room. Now I have to tell the rest of the boys or not. I mean I could just tell them when he's here right? Although I am going to tell Bella that he's coming tomorrow.

-next day-
It was around 6pm and Christopher's plane comes at 7pm so Im getting ready to leave. I asked Bella if she would come but she said she couldn't Matt and her were going who knows where.

I actually couldn't wait to see Jack-I mean Christopher (I actually did type Jack at first so I went along with it, whoops!) god y/n stop thinking about Jack.

I was waiting for Christopher when I see someone familiar, it was him! I run over to him and give he a big hug and a kiss. He returns the hug and kiss "I've missed you" he says smiling "me too" I smile back.

I turn to the left of us to see Jack standing right there-with no face expression. Christopher looks over to where I was looking "do you know him?" he questions me.

*Jack's pov*
I was getting out of the airport when I got stopped by some fans to take pictures and stuff. I look to my left to see y/n with some guy. Sadly I saw everything-when she came running to him, the hug she gave him and the kiss it broke me into pieces.

Maybe she did move on..not that I didn't because I have Nicole but I guess I don't like Nicole the way I thought I did now that I saw y/n.

"hey jack lets go" Johnson shook me and I snap out of staring. Johnson looks at to where I was looking "I'm sorry bro" he pats my back "it doesn't matter let's go" Johnson stayed behind to say hi to y/n while I went into the car.

*y/n's pov*
"y/n?" Christopher snaps me out of shock "hm?" I didn't answer his question "do you know him?" I look up to him "we had history" I quietly say "ah" he says kinda looking annoyed "it's over." I assure him.

"y/n!" Johnson says "Johnson!" I say hugging him "I haven't seen you in like forever" I say to him "same here!" he says back "so who's this" he looks at Christopher and before I can say anything Chris speaks

"I'm her boyfriend Christopher" he says holding out his hand, ok then "Jack Johnson" he says back "well I have to go jacks waiting for me in the car see you soon?" I smile "yes" and hug him.

"wow" Christopher whispers when Johnson leaves "what" I ask him but he shakes his head nothing.

Jack and I made eye contact and I could see that he was hurting, making me feel so hurt inside seeing him like this. I didn't intend for him to see us, not yet at least.


I ship y/n and Jack.
who's watching the super bowl?🏈
Seahawks or patriots?

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