Chapter four

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*matts pov*

I had to run out of school as soon as the bell rang because all the boys and I were throwing y/n a party. today's her birthday and we want it to be a surprise. I literally just ran away from her. I was headed to the parking lots and went inside my car. It took me a while to get to where we were throwing her party but she'll like it because it's out in the woods and there's this amazing cabin out there where you can see the forest and the city lights it's perfect. she's perfect.

I finally arrived to where we were throwing her party, everyone was there all the people we invited and the guys. "Hey Matt! ok so we'll decorate and put out snacks and the food, then I'll go for y/n, ok?" Jack g tells me or asks me I don't really know but I nodded ok.

*y/n's pov*

I was kind of upset on how all the boys didn't pick up including Jack and Matthew. I texted them so many times so I finally gave up. I put on some music and just laid on my bed looking at the celling. at some point my phone buzzes I grab it from my night stand and check to see who it is.

-one new message from Jack Gilinsky-
I slide it open "finally it's about time" I say aloud to myself.

Jack Gilinsky: we're going out tonight, wear something you would wear to a party so get ready. be there in 30.
me: ok gilinsky, btw I hate you for not answering your phone after many tries of calling and texting you.
Jack Gilinsky: shush it you love me, now go get ready!

I locked my phone and picked out a floral crop top with a zip down the middle, a tanish skirt and teal like high heels, with my hair curled from the tips. I was ready. for my make up I just applied some eyeliner and mascara, nothing to big.

I heard a knock on the door and went to go answer it. "wow, you look beautiful" he said "thanks, you don't look so bad yourself" I say laughing a little "shall we go?" he steps to the side of the porch and puts his arms out pointing to the car "we shall" I say "I'm leaving mom!" I yell "okay sweetie don't be home to late!" I step out and about half way out my mom stops Jack and I keep walking who knows what they're talking about.

*jack's pov*
her mom stops me, who knows why "take care of her" she says looking at me "she's a keeper and I'm not just saying that because she's my daughter. she's something that one" she smiles "I will" I smile and say goodbye and head to the car.

"Jack?" y/n asks me "yeah?" I say "where are we going? we just passed the woods and we both know that after that it's just nothing but more woods?" she looked kind of worried as if I didn't know where I was headed "you'll see" I smirk while still having my eyes on the road "Jack you know I hate surprises" she did she hated surprises but not today "actually no I don't" I laugh lying.

*y/n's pov*
Who knows where we were headed but I decided to trust Jack because I was starting to trust him and let's just say I don't do good with trusting people but Jack, Jack was something different as well as Matthew. They were both a heck of a lot but I loved it.

we finally arrived to an empty parking lot, kind of look abandoned. "Jack" I say getting out "where are we headed I thought we were going to a party?" I asked with a confused expression. "we are come on" he extended his arm and I grabbed it, as he intertwined them.

we were about to go up to some stairs, gosh what has this boy done. "for crying out loud im wearing high heels Jack!" I say as I look up the stairs "well then don't walk" he says turing to me "what? am I just going to fly or something" I frown then I get lifted up by Jack bride style "not exactly" he says smiling at me.

we finally reached the top of the stairs, Jack puts me down and I turn around to lights turing on and people jumping out saying "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I smile and start crying but not sad crying, crying tears of joy of happiness because I'm glad I have Jack and all the boys in my life.

turning around i hug Jack so tight "thank you Gilinsky" he smiles and hugs me back "anything for you beautiful. now come on let's party birthday girl!" He says pulling away from the hug and looking down at me. I then get a crown put in my head and it reads 'birthday princess' there's also a cabin which contained all the food and then a front and back yard. "Happy birthday best-friend" Matt says giving me a big hug.

I pull away and say "so this is why you were in a rush!" he does that cute half smile and says "yes" "I thought you were trying to avoid me" I say looking down "of course not" he lifts up my chin and smiles "never, not for anything or anyone" he assures me. I smile and we head inside.


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