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He waited for the boy to relax, and tampered down his excitement when the boy never let his guard down.

Chase wasn't sure he could trust this man. He felt savagery, he didn't exactly understand what was driving this insane feeling he had. He wanted to claw his face off. His knees trembled and he had to piss, really badly. It would suck if he pissed himself in front of the strange man. The man reached forward and he growled at him. He couldn't help it. It slipped out. He was stunned when big sis' friend growled back. It was a wrap, he was going to get the hell out of here and demand his big sis Martha stay away from the crazy man. He was bad news. Chase fought the scream threatening to erupt from his throat as the strange man launched for him.

He flipped the coffee table over and into the man's path effectively stopping him from getting any closer. His eyes flickered toward the other boy around his age with desperation in his eyes. He wasn't the only sane person in the room. Right?

"He's going to break you," the boy told Chase shaking his head sadly before walking away. It couldn't be... he wasn't talking from experience was he? Chase stretched out his hand towards his retreating figure when the man's hands wrapped around his ankle, and he screamed.


Martha fought the excited giggles threatening to spill from her lips. She and Sandra decided to catch up over dinner. Martha opted for a Martini this time instead of whiskey. She took a sip of the drink and smiled brilliantly at Sandra.

"Be prepared to drool and eat shit," Martha cackled while downing her drink. She'd never met anyone as handsome as Charles. He was an enigma all on his own. Enraptured by him, she remained his muse for him to do as he pleased with her. There were some very dark things that went on inside of his head and she wanted him to use them. Was she a masochist?

"Penny for your thoughts?" Sandra chuckled. "You're drooling all over him, and you guys haven't even had sex yet. He can't be that hot, could he?"

"He dangerous, but I want him all the more," Martha whined.

Sandra gulped her drink and wagged her finger at Martha. "You always had a knack for the bad boys, Miss Lawyer. I don't know how you got caught up with Daniel. He was such a pansy."

Martha released a heavy sigh. She tried to please her mother and she ended up with a broken heart. She was still angry at herself for falling for the loser. She just hoped that she never saw his sorry ass again. her mind flashed to those moments when he would belittle her, and when she took a stand to put it a stop to it, he made it seem like it was her fault. That she was the violent one. That it was her fault for always emasculating him... that she was the crazy one. She pushed her sadness aside and held on to her anger.

"I blame my mother," she snorted out.

"Aw, you can't blame her. She just wants the best for her little girl," Sandra giggled.

"Then you can be her daughter," Martha griped.

"There's not a chance in hell."

"I just can't wait to see your face split."

"Yea, yea, yea, it those star-crossed eyes. You're falling for him," Sandra sang as she got up from the table. Martha spluttered trying to clear her airways while Sandra skirted away to the ladies' room. Gorgeous wench always knew how to make an exit.

Martha stared down into her drink feeling soberer more than ever. Was she really falling for that monster of a man? He made her feel so alive and she could be herself. She didn't have to pretend to be someone dainty, feminine and frail. A woman who should stay quiet and serve her husband, according to her mother.

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