Dominic Thiem: Pregnancy

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"She wasn't my first kiss. She was the kiss that mattered. The kiss that made me realize I didn't want to kiss anyone else. So now my lips belong to her. Just look at them - her name's written all over them" - Oka Nijah.


"Thank you, Merci" I say as I grab my sandwich from the cashier in a small restaurant by Court Phillippe Chatrier, the court Domi was practicing on right now. It was a week before Roland Garros, one of my favorite times of the year. The only major slam I usually could take time off from my medical clinic to see in person and cheer on my now husband of almost three years: Dominic Thiem. This year was a little different. I was pregnant. Six months pregnant my stomach was the size of a cantaloupe.

I bite into my sandwich on my way outside to the seating near the court not being able to resist any longer. It was heaven. Heaven on earth. The tomatoes, cheese, oh that bread. 

I'm in love.

Sorry Domi you've moved down to second place. 

I quicken my pace a bit so that I can sit down and enjoy the sandwich while watching Domi practice. I almost make it to the corner exit when a little boy bumps into me sending my sandwich to the floor. The cheese a foot apart from the lettuce. 

I look down to see a small boy about 5 years old with blonde curly hair, his green eyes wide most probably from recognizing me or feeling bad about the sandwich. Before I can say anything he starts speaking, "You-you're (Y/N) Thiem aren't you." He stutters a little, "I I love seeing Thiem play. He's he's my idol, I've watched almost all of his grand slams." 

I smile and nod it's always weird hearing people refer to Domi as Theim, "Wow, would you want to meet him, I can take you to him if your parents don't mind. But your parents have to say yes."

I start turning my head to look for his parents, when he starts speaking again, "I have to go because my parents asked me to grab some ice cream and then comeback. But, we are coming to the match tonight could uhhhh could ---- I me-meet him" He stumble at the end clearly shy.

"Absolutely, can I see your band." He shows me his band which has 34A engraved on the very back. "34A, I'll remember that. I'll have Domi come to meet you after the match. I'm sure he'll be more than happy to meet you. What's your name by the way?" I ask him.

"Toby" he whispers, his shyness reminding me of myself when I was younger.

"Okay Toby, you should get back to your parents. I'll see you later today." I smile at him and wave as he runs off. 

Now where was I.

Oh yeah. Dropped sandwich. The best thing I've most probably ever had in my entire life. Destroyed. On the floor. 


I suddenly feel tears prickling my eyes. 

Was I really crying over a sandwich. 

Damn pregnancy hormones.

I sit down at a bench near the entrance of the Cafe, trying to put myself together before anyone sees me. 

At least 2 minutes have passed and every time I blink, more tears come down from my eyes. I keep wiping them away with my sleeve, which is now soaked. A sandwich really. Am I really this hormonal. 

Thank god no one other than a couples of families and players are allowed in the facility during practice time and the restaurant was almost entirely empty.  Other wise I can picture the website's tomorrow

'Dominic Thiem's wife has a mental breakdown over a sandwich'

Oh bloody hell.

I hear the chimes of the cafe door open and quickly glance up to see who had come in. 

There he was. Sweaty from his practice - Domi.

He notices my red eyes and face and drops his tennis bag running up to me and taking a seat beside me. He grabs my face looking straight into my eyes, "Baby what's wrong."
He doesn't give me any time to answer, "Did something happen" he asks again worriedly. He places his hand on my belly, "Is everything okay are you and our girl are you both okay." It melted my heart to hear him say our girl. We just found out 3 weeks ago and Domi was so excited to have a girl.

I'm so embarrassed to tell him the truth.

I nod "We're fine." I look up at Domi again, who doesn't look convinced, "We're healthy and fine... I promise." 

Domi gives a sigh of relief, "I ended practice 30 minutes early, Nicolas thinks I'm ready. I do too. I got worried, since you were taking so long." He wipes a lingering tear from my cheek with his thumb and pushes back a strand of my hair behind my ear. "Why were you crying babe?"

I decide to tell him the truth, no matter how silly I feel and point my head to the sandwich that was still on the floor. "My sandwich fell" I say and clear my throat so I don't sound so congested anymore. 

Domi's expression immediately goes from worried to amused. "You're crying over a sandwich" he smirks. 


"No" I take a pause, "Domi, I only got to have one bite and it was the best sandwich I have ever had in my life." 

Domi chuckles, "I'll get you another one right now."

I shake my head, "I don't think you're understanding how special that sandwich was."

He brings me a little closer, "I'll get the exact same one and I'll have the same person make it too."

I sigh, "Domi, there will never be a sandwich like that one. Never again. It's too special to ever be able to be replicated. The best thing we can do now is accept the loss and move on" 

Domi chuckles and kisses my forehead "I love you Y/N I really do" clearly amused by my antics. He suddenly turns a little serious, "I can't wait to start this new chapter of our lives together. I just talked to Nicolas, and after Roland Garros I'm taking at least 6 months off, most probably more." 

I gasp, "But, you'll miss the US Open, Wimbledon, Nitto, Paris-" Before I can complete he interrupts me. 

"I rather miss all of those than miss being able to help you, miss our little girl's first steps, her first words, I'm a dad and a husband before all else babe." 

I feel tears starting to prickle back into my eyes as I latch my arms around him to give him a bone crushing hug. I hear him whisper in my ear, "Baby I want forever with you. I love you so much. You're everything."

I suddenly stand up and start picking up the sandwich and throw it in the garbage, "Stop it, I don't feel like being sappy anymore." I grab my bag and his hand to lead him outside. 

I hear him chuckle behind me, "I knew Roger said pregnancy hormones were wild but I could've never guessed."

"What?" I turn around widening my eyes.

"Nothing babe".


Requests open! Let me know if you have any tips or advice and please don't forget to vote and comment. 

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