chapter 22

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shikamaru being a chunin told everyone to stop there bickering its gonna be a long walk and that kakashi ,me and shikamaru will be leading the mission

inner me ehhhh

outer me : YESSS

so without further word the prince was seated in the caravan carriage thing while we sat on the horses the others on the ledges  naruto and shikamaru on the roof looking for suspicious things

"Are we there yet. "

is how the annoying game of torture began

sasuke glaring intensly at naruto

"ill sent midnight at you! !"

naruto talked to sasuke how hungry he was


that was 12 hours ago!!!!

Sasuke being a duck corrected him

"20 hours."

kakashi cut the silence

" before we enter the snow grounds we are going to stop for grub but remember enemies are lurking

we nodded

I stuck with gaara

but was pulled in a caravan

"you stay by the warmth yes?!!

I've got food for you  and that gaara can sit too!!"

I sighed

" no funny stuff? "

he  bite his lip

"none I just want friends

and I guess I wasn't quite appealing as a friend."

I pulled gaara in

I stretched and  drank a herbal tea that was prepared

tastes funny

cloud let us eat whioe eating his own food

oh my glob


I said happily

while munching it down

gaara looked irritated

but ate his food

it was akward silence so I asked

"you know any snow or ice jutsu I can learn??"

he smirked

" yeah plenty I've learnt most there is a legendary one I know as well."

my eyes went wide as saucers


he giggled

"ill show you there since you can see this isnt the proper environment for it./

I sighed  at the annoying prince

we arrived at a stop  while me and kakashi look for enemies nearby since we are the jonin

"sophie take this mission seriously  its a   A RANK not a D rank dont mess it up."

I nodded and fiddled with the sword 

short chapter I knw  will make longer !!!   ♡♥♡♥♡

naruto--sophie hyuuga the cat demonWhere stories live. Discover now