chapter 18

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aira pov

it's so quiet that you can't could hear a pin   drop

you know why its quiet

because im meditating

im using my special kekai genkai 

im surrounded my Green trees  near the akutski base

do I work for them no  I wouldn't my father does..

in oder for me to live a happy normal life  my father kept his distance  so I wont be known as kakuzas daughter or a S rank criminal.

"morning." my dad says  walking up to me in the  communication link

I  smile "morning or night  I guess im too tired from the last  mission to realise how have you been when can I visit? "

he counted his wads of money

then a serious look "perhaps today.   we don't have any

missions from Pein sama. so how has your week been? "

today good im on my way might take a few 3 hours

I left a note on Sebastians door

Dear Sebastian
im going to visit my friend zaku its a girl don't worry lol ill see you by the end of the week.
xoxox aira
ps. dont touch my oreos!

ok that's about it
I packed a snack for the trip
should take me a hour on my summoning 
*summoning jutsu*
there appeared my summoning a great white  polar bear
I climbed on pure
thats his name deal with it  he acts  noble
"where to. "
I stretched strapped myself on the    fur
"hideout forest rain village".
he started making giant leaps  and I held on tight not wanting to fall.

sophie pov

Nananana im bored
so bord its been a day can I go

"just a few more tests ."

can I ..

I lost consciousness  for a unknown

my head hurts feels like someone punched me

I opened my eyes

I saw I was in a bright red room


where am I

I saw a shiny item on the floor a schyfe


I reached to grab it

"fuck off bitch my weapon not yours

get ur own."

I decided to start a conversation

s: im bored

h: so am I

s: why are you bored

h:cause im babysitting you.

s: meh whats wrong with me

and why am I here

h:leader sama wants to meet the one who bruised itachi

s: oh weasel!   he is a dumb ferret

h: tell me about it

s:  can I ask you something

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