chapter 26

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well that was rude

" hey pinnochio  do you have ductape

I  need it to tape hidan to the roof! !!"

I said.

he  glared at the nickname

" we do  not have ductape. "

o thought about it

" nails?"

he nodded

I smirked

" give me some please artistic one! !!"

I swear his arm had a middle finger showing! !


  he sighed

" are u forty or something. "

he  smiled

" yes I am ."

ok im going to go visit  hidans room

before I could   I felt chains ony hand


I bellowed


he said in a dark voice

hmm do I follow the creepy puppet or do I run??


" freezendo morono!!1"

sure you don't need words but its funny to use it!!!

sasoris  legs and arms froze while I ran

  I  ran  into  the dark outside

before I could summon hime a needle hit me and I saw.blackness.

gaara pov

we are getting close I know it

hold on sophie! !!!

naruto looked worried

sakura  looked focused

while sasuke  was moodier

kakashi had a plan

we  were ready for anything exept shikamarus glaring.


please be okay

Sebastian pov

ive got a  whole pile of information on orichimarus base and prisoners

while aira is practicing her  needle  jutsu im sending intel from a tiger to tsnaude

the hokage .

hopefully sophie escapes that base .

sophie pov

a bright light shone into my eyes

while  I saw pein fiddling with needles

"its simple really I ask you a question you answer lie or dont answer I throw you with a needle ."

oh crud

"so your using me as a dart board!!! let me go!!"

he chuckled

" where is the nine tails."

I glared

" how would I know! "

he threw the needle hitting my  ear.

oh great another piercing


he aimed

"why did you  paint my room pink..."

oh crud I thought that was hidans room

"woops thought it was hidans."

another needle plunged in my foot


he glared

" my room is pink and konan thinks I like deidaria deserve it. ..."

why do I get stuck with the homicidal creepy orange pierced  grape eyed dummy!

"would you join the akutski. "

I smirked " NO WAY IN HELL BITCH !"

his smirk dropped

"we can accept you like those people will never they will always be frightened of you thinking you like your a monster of sort . "

my heart stung

"ill prove im not a monster. "

I   bite the needle out and cut the rop

bashing into pein sticking the needle up his nose

" dont mess with a neko bitch. "

I froze him buying time as I jumped on hime flying away from the hideout.

" phew I live another day! "

now where am I...

" hime you know how to find my friends right? ?"

she chuckled " yes yes otherwise we'd be lost."

I sighed in relief

"thanks goodness I don't! !"

pein pov

that  stupid cat if she won't come willingly

"sasori get that  formula ready !"

he  nodded " hai leader sama! "


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