after the surgery

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Addison had just finished the surgery when Cece started to code. They lost her. Addison was raging out of the OR and Meredith came up to her.

"How'd it go?" Asked Meredith

"We lost her." Addison said sadly

"I'm so sorry for your loss." Said Meredith

"Thank you." Said Addison

"Would a girls night cheer you up. Just the two of us?" Meredith said very excited

Omg she's inviting me!! Thought Addison

"Of course!" Addison said excitedly

That night Addison and Meredith met at Joes bar. Meredith had told Derek that she wanted to try and "meet" Addison. Or you could say to get to know her better.

"It's a really nice night out." Said Addison

"Yes it is." Said Meredith

"I'll take 2 shots." Said Addison

"I'll do the same." Said Meredith

They each had their shots and they were very drunk.

"Do you wanna come back to my hotel room?" Said Addison

"Sure why not!" Said Meredith

They were both very excited.

"Here it is, we can go over to my room." Said Addison

"Ok." Said Meredith

They got into her room and started to take off their clothes. I think you know what happened after that.

"What will Derek say about this." Said Meredith

"I don't care about Derek, I'm in love with you." Said Addison

Right after she said that she regretted it. It was silent and Meredith says

"I think I'm in love with you to."

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