departure morning

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It was the next morning and Meredith hadn't woken up yet.

"Meredith, Meredith." Whispered Addison

Meredith then woke up. They both got changed and went to the hospital. Derek wasn't very happy to see Meredith had stayed at Addison's but they just told him she stayed on the couch. They both didn't know what to do.

"Meredith can I please speak with you over here." Said Addison

"Yes." said Meredith

They walk over to a open room and go in.

"What are we gonna do?" Asked Addison

"Should I leave Derek?" Asked Meredith

"I love you but I don't want to make you do that." Said Addison

"I will leave him. Right now." Said Meredith

They both walk out and go up to Derek.

"Derek I am sorry but me and Addison are in love with each other, and we have been since we saw each other." Said Meredith

They all stood in silence.

"I've been wanting to tell you something to." Said Derek

"What?" Asked Meredith

"I'm in love with... Mark." Said Derek

"You said what now!!" Said Meredith

"Yes I've been trying to figure out when to tell you he is leaving Lexie tonight." Said Derek

"Well I guess it all worked out." Addison said a little weirded out.

In the end Addison and Meredith and Derek and Mark had a double wedding!!

They all live happily ever after! 😝

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2020 ⏰

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