chapter 1

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Never thought this was gonna happen never thought I was gonna fall for him now look at us. He makes me feel so type of way he's makes my heart melt I love his kisses his touches and the way he hold me I can stay in his arms for ever.


Nala Pov

I can't believe my cousin got shot glad he made it alive this not his first time getting shot the first time he was with my brother and those bitches kill him I miss my brother so much after my brother was murder we move out the hood and the state. We move to the suburbs I love it no drama no killing everybody gets alone school is wonder I'm head captain I'm the most popular kid there everybody knows me we throw parties in the city because in the suburbs it's quiet how I like it but it's about to change since Caine coming to live with us I'm kinda excited he's leaving the hood.

"Are we there yet" I whined in the back of our car.

"We almost there Sweetie " My mom smiled turning around.

"So are you excited you're cousin coming to live with us " My dad asked.

"Yes maybe he can do better and stay outta trouble " I said looking at the Compton sign.

We drove a few more hours and we finally pull up at my grandparents apartment.   I can't believe my grandparents still live in the hood maybe they can live with us too. We got out and my dad locked the doors I looked around still look the same.

"Hey Nala " Jordan a drug dealer said.

"Hey Jordan " I say smiling.

"So you back " he asked leaning his head to the side.

"Nah just visiting " I said.

"Cool you checking on yo cousin" he asked.

"Yeah seeing how he doing and coming to take him away from all this " I said pointing around.

"Yeah he needs it he don't need to be here" Jordan said.

"You right he don't well I see you around " I said walking away.

"You too" Jordan said nodding.

I walk in my grandparents house it still looked the same green couch with the tiger pillowcase old clock that standing by the wall table with candy in the bowl and it smell old.

"Well look at my grandbaby " My grandma said reaching her arms out .

"Hi nana" I said hugging her.

"You got so Pretty " she said smiling.

"Thanks nana " I said smiling back.

My granddad came from the back and I hug him we all sat down.

"I just don't want him end up like Harold" My grandma start crying.

I wipe my tears I miss my brother so damn much and my grandma right we don't want Caine to ended up like that.

"He's gonna be okay with us Caine gonna fit right in" My dad said.

"Where  Caine at anyway ?" my mom asked.

"He's in the back with his friend" My grandma said.

"I'm gonna see if he's ready " I said standing up walking towards the back room.

I knock on the door and Caine opened the door.

"Whooa hey cousin " Caine said smiling.

"Hey just came to see if you was ready" I said smiling.

"He coming damn!" Donte said mugging me.

"Was I talking to you no mind you're business " I said rolling my eyes.

"Whatever little girl"he said rolling his eyes.

"Whatever little boy" I said frowning.

"Okay y'all two need to stop it " Caine said shaking his head.

"He started it " I said folding my arms.

"Nigga you really leaving you gonna come back talking like that thing over there " Donte said pointing at me.

"I rather for him to talk like me instead of talking like he fail the 6th grade oh my bad like you did" I said .

"Bitch you get on my nerves" Donte said sticking his middle finger at me .

"And bitch I don't care " I said sticking my middle finger up.

"I'll be ready in a few " Caine said.

"Alright " I said turning around to walk out.

"She makes me sick " Donte said.

"Go to the Hospital than " I said turning back around then walking back to the front.

I sat back down while my parents was talking Donte mom walk in as she start talking I wave to her she smiled and wave back Donte different from his mom she's more of the quiet one shes also a nurse she tries everything to keep Donte in check but Donte doesn't listen he's crazy and I mean crazy he's even have a few bodies under his belt this boy is psycho. My parents looked at me then back at Donte mom then my parents nod their head wondering what they talking about.

"I'm ready" Caine said with his suitcases in his arms.

"Let me help you with that Nala help him " My dad said taking the suitcase.

I roll my eyes and got up grabbing Caine suitcase we walk outside and put in the suitcase in the back of our car my dad looked at me .

"What I have a booger ?" I said.

"Sweetie , um Caine is not gonna be the only one moving with us " My dad said .

"What you mean?" I said looking confused.

"You kidding me " Donte said coming out the house mad.

"What's going on? " I asked.

"Donte will be also moving with us " My dad said.

I start laughing I know he's joking with me that's what he always do is joke.

"Alright Dad you got me " I said still laughing.

"I'm serious" he said looking at me.

I stop laughing cause he was not smiling or laughing.

"No oh no it's not happening hell no " I said shaking my head.

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